Question 1
In a splenectomy procedure, special care is emphasized on the preservation of the tail of the pancreas that is closely associated with the spleen to avoid post operative pancreatic fistula. As a general surgeon conducting a splenectomy where are you most likely to find the tail of the pancreas in the abdominal cavity?
Your Answer: Splenorenal ligament
Explanation:The tail of the pancreas is the only intraperitoneal part of the pancreas and is found contained in the splenorenal ligament of the peritoneal cavity. The splenorenal ligament is derived from the peritoneum where the wall of the general peritoneal cavity connects to the omental bursa between the spleen and the left kidney. This ligament contains the splenic vessels and the tail of the pancreas.
The gastrocolic ligament stretches from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon, connecting the two.
The gastrosplenic ligament is derived from the greater omentum and is the structure that connects the stomach to the hilum of the spleen. The gastrosplenic ligament continues from the splenic flexure of the colon to the diaphragm and acts as a support to the spleen.
The transverse colon is connected to the abdominal wall by the mesocolon ligament.
The falciform ligament on the other hand, attaches the liver to the ventral wall of the abdomen.
The hepatoduodenal ligament connects the porta hepatis of the liver to the superior part of the duodenum.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 2
A 55-year-old male has a mass on the right lung with involvement of the right mediastinal lymph nodes. What is the nodal staging according to the TNM staging?
Your Answer: N2
Explanation:The N stages for lung cancer are from NO to N3 : NO, there is no lung cancer in any lymph nodes: N1, there is lung cancer in the proximal lymph nodes: N2, there is lung cancer in the mediastinal hilar lymph nodes, but on the same side as the affected lung or there is lung cancer in the carinal lymph nodes: N3, there is metastatic lung cancer in lymph nodes on the opposite side of the chest, in the cervical or apical lymph nodes. In this patient the ipsilateral mediastinal node is involved, thus it is classified as N2.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neoplasia
- Pathology
Question 3
A medical officer was shown an X ray with barium contrast and was asked to distinguish the small from the large bowel. Which of the following features listed is CORRECT?
Your Answer: Circular folds of the mucosa
Explanation:Distinguishing features include:
1. Three strips of longitudinal muscle-taenia coli- on the wall instead of a continuous surrounding longitudinal muscle that is seen in the small intestine
2. The colon has bulges called haustra that are not on the small bowel.
3. The surface of the colon is covered with fatty omental appendages. Both the colon and the small intestine have similar circular smooth muscle layer, serosa. Peyer’s patches are lymphoid tissues that are not visible on X ray with barium contrast.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 4
A 35-year old lady presents to her GP with vague abdominal symptoms. Examination reveals a normal size spleen. Which of the following is the likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Macronodular cirrhosis
Correct Answer: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Explanation:Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a disease caused due to development of an antibody against a platelet antigen (autoantibody). In childhood disease, the autoantibody gets triggered by binding of viral antigen to the megakaryocytes. Presentation includes unexplained thrombocytopenia, petechiae and bleeding from mucosal surfaces. The spleen usually does not enlarge in size. However, splenomegaly can occur due to coexisting viral infection. Marrow examination reveals normal or increased number of megakaryocytes. Diagnosis is by exclusion of other thrombocytopenic disorders.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology
- Pathology
Question 5
When you rest your elbows on a desk, what bony landmark of the upper limb are you resting on?
Your Answer: Olecranon process of the ulna
Explanation:At the upper and back part of the ulna, there exists a curved eminence which is the olecranon process. This process lodges in the olecranon fossa of the humerus. It’s posterior surface is subcutaneous and this triangular area is what you rest your elbow upon.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Upper Limb
Question 6
A 45 years old women was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a radical mastectomy to remove all axillary lymph nodes from her right breast, it was noticed that she had a winged scapula. Which nerve injury would explain this?
Your Answer: Long thoracic nerve
Explanation:The long thoracic nerve supplies the serratus anterior muscle. When this nerve is injured the muscle undergoes paralysis, which is seen clinically as winging of the scapula most apparent when the arm is lifted forward. The long thoracic nerve is greatly susceptible to injury during breast surgery because of its long and superficial course along the thorax from its origin, the brachial plexus, to the lower border of the serratus anterior muscle.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Breast
Question 7
A 25-year-old football player suffers severe head trauma during a game. Physical examination reveals a decerebrate posture and bilateral papilledema. A CT scan reveals marked diffuse cerebral oedema. This condition will be most severe in which component of the brain?
Your Answer: White matter
Explanation:The greatest amount of salt and water increase with cerebral oedema occurs within the white matter. Any swelling from oedema, haemorrhage or haematoma increases the intracranial pressure (ICP). As the ICP increases, the cerebral perfusion decreases and brain tissue can become ischaemic, even leading to brain death.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
- Pathology
Question 8
The middle meningeal artery is the largest among the arteries that supplies that dura mater of the brain. The middle meningeal artery is a branch of the?
Your Answer: Internal carotid artery
Correct Answer: Maxillary artery
Explanation:The middle meningeal artery is the largest of the three (paired) arteries that supply the meninges.
The middle meningeal artery is a large arterial branch of the maxillary artery which is a terminal branch of the external carotid artery. Upon originating, the middle meningeal artery passes through the foramen spinosum. In the skull, it courses in the middle cranial fossa where it provides several branches.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Head & Neck
Question 9
A 50 year old male point was diagnosed with tennis elbow that became worse after he started playing basket ball over the last three months. He was admitted to the orthopaedic ward to have elbow braces fitted. What type of synovial joint is the elbow joint?
Your Answer: Hinge
Explanation:The elbow joint is one of the many synovial joints in the body. This joint is an example of the hinge joint as the humerus is received into the semilunar notch of the ulna and the capitulum of the humerus articulates with the fovea on the head of the radius, together acting as a hinge in one plane.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Upper Limb
Question 10
Which of the following is the cause of flattened (notched) T waves on electrocardiogram (ECG)?
Your Answer: Hypokalaemia
Explanation:The T-wave is formed due to ventricular repolarisation. Normally, it is seen as a positive wave. It can be normally inverted (negative) in V1 (occasionally in V2-3 in African-Americans/Afro-Caribbeans). Hyperacute T-waves are the earliest ECG change of acute myocardial infarction. ECG findings of hyperkalaemia include high, tent-shaped T-waves, a small P-wave and a wide QRS complex. Hypokalaemia results in flattened (notched) T-waves, U-waves, ST-segment depression and prolonged QT interval.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
- Physiology
Question 11
A 65-year-old man complains of headaches, weakness, cramps, and confusion; blood tests reveal he has severe hyponatremia. The most likely cause is:
Your Answer: Severe diarrhoea or vomiting
Explanation:Hyponatraemia occurs when the sodium level in the plasma falls below 135 mmol/l. Hyponatraemia is an abnormality that can occur in isolation or, more commonly as a complication of other medical illnesses. Severe hyponatraemia may cause osmotic shift of water from the plasma into the brain cells. Typical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache and malaise. As the hyponatraemia worsens, confusion, diminished reflexes, convulsions, stupor or coma may occur. The cause of hyponatremia is typically classified by a person’s fluid status into low volume, normal volume, and high volume. Low volume hyponatremia can occur from diarrhoea, vomiting, diuretics, and sweating.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Fluids & Electrolytes
- Physiology
Question 12
A 47 -year-old male was admitted due to a bleeding peptic ulcer. On his 3rd hospital day, he developed a cardiac arrhythmia. His serum potassium was markedly elevated. What is the most likely cause of hyperkalaemia in this patient?
Your Answer: Multiple blood transfusions
Explanation:Patients with gastrointestinal bleeding often require blood transfusion. Among the various side effects of blood transfusions, is the increase of potassium levels. The use of stored blood for transfusions is followed by an increase of serum potassium levels. Potassium level increases are more pronounced in patients who receive blood stored for more than 12 d. Furthermore, the lysis and destruction of red blood cells, especially in the transfusion of older PRBCs, can further increase potassium levels. Excessive use of a PPi has been associated with hyperkaelemia however would be less likely in this acute setting.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Fluids & Electrolytes
- Pathology
Question 13
Lack of findings in the bladder but presence of atypical epithelial cells in urinalysis is most often associated with which of the following conditions?
Your Answer: Transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis
Explanation:The presence of atypical cells in urinalysis without findings in the bladder suggests a lesion located higher up, most probably in ureters or renal pelvis. Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis is a disease in which malignant cells form in the renal pelvis and is characterised by the presence of abnormal cells in urine cytology.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Renal
Question 14
On exploration of an axillary wound, a branch from the third part of the axillary artery was found to be transected. Which of the following arteries would have been likely injured?
Your Answer: Anterior circumflex humeral
Explanation:The axillary artery gives off many branches from the first, second, or third parts along its course. The third part of the axillary artery gives off 3 branches: the subscapular, anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Upper Limb
Question 15
During an exploratory laparotomy a herniation of bowel is identified between the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis, the inguinal ligament and the inferior epigastric vessels. These boundaries define the hernia as being a:
Your Answer: Direct inguinal hernia
Explanation:The boundaries given define the inguinal triangle which is the site for direct inguinal hernias. Indirect inguinal hernias occur lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels.
Femoral hernias protrude through the femoral ring, into the femoral canal.
Umbilical hernias protrude through a defect in the umbilical area.
Obturator hernias, occur through the obturator foramen. These are very rare.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 16
A 35-year-old woman in her 37th week of pregnancy complains of urinary incontinence. She is most likely to have:
Your Answer: Stress incontinence
Explanation:Urinary incontinence is the involuntary excretion of urine from one’s body. It is often temporary and it almost always results from an underlying medical condition. Several types include:
– Stress incontinence is the voiding of urine following increased abdominal pressure e.g. laughing, coughing, pregnancy etc. It is the most common form of incontinence in women, most commonly due to pelvic floor muscle weakness, physical changes from pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. In men it is a common problem following a prostatectomy. Most lab results such as urine analysis, cystometry and postvoid residual volume are normal.
– Urge incontinence is involuntary loss of urine occurring for no apparent reason while suddenly feeling the need or urge to urinate. The most common cause of urge incontinence are involuntary and inappropriate detrusor muscle contractions.
– Functional incontinence – occurs when a person does not recognise the need to go to the toilet, recognise where the toilet is or get to the toilet in time. The urine loss may be large. Causes of functional incontinence include confusion, dementia, poor eyesight, poor mobility, poor dexterity or unwillingness. t
– Overflow incontinence – sometimes people find that they cannot stop their bladders from constantly dribbling or continuing to dribble for some time after they have passed urine.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Physiology
- Renal
Question 17
A 27-year old lady presented with dull, abdominal pain and some pain in her lower limbs. On enquiry, it was revealed that she has been suffering from depression for a few months. Physical examination and chest X-ray were normal. Further investigations revealed serum calcium 3.5 mmol/l, albumin 3.8 g/dl and phosphate 0.65 mmol/l. What is the diagnosis?
Your Answer: Parathyroid adenoma
Explanation:Hypercalcaemia with hypophosphatemia indicates parathyroid disorder and adenomas are more common than hyperplasia. In this young age group, metastatic disease is unlikely. Solitary adenomas are responsible for 80-85% cases of primary hyperparathyroidism. 10-15% cases are due to parathyroid hyperplasia and carcinomas account for 2-3% cases. Symptoms include bone pain (bones), nephrolithiasis (stones), muscular aches, peptic ulcer disease, pancreatitis (groans), depression (moans), anxiety and other mental disturbances.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrine
- Pathology
Question 18
What is the most likely cause of prolonged bleeding time in a 40 year old women admitted for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
Your Answer: Protein S deficiency
Correct Answer: Thrombocytopaenia
Explanation:Bleeding time is related to platelet function, thus a decrease in platelet function, as seen in thrombocytopenia, DIC and von Willebrand disease in which platelet aggregation is defective, leads to an increase in bleeding time. It is not affected by a decrease or deficiency of any other clotting factors. Aspirin and other COX inhibitors prolong bleeding time along with warfarin and heparin.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General
- Physiology
Question 19
What percentage of the cardiac output is delivered to the brain?
Your Answer: 1%
Correct Answer: 15%
Explanation:Among all body organs, the brain is most susceptible to ischaemia. Comprising of only 2.5% of total body weight, the brain receives 15% of the cardiac output. Oxygen extraction is also higher with venous oxygen levels approximating 13 vol%, and arteriovenous oxygen difference of 7 vol%.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
- Physiology
Question 20
A victim of mob justice was brought to the A & E with a stab wound in the anterior chest 2 cm lateral to the left sternal border. He underwent an emergency thoracotomy that revealed clots in the pericardium, with a puncture wound in the right ventricle. To evacuate the clots from the pericardial cavity the surgeon slipped his hand behind the heart at its apex. He extended his finger upwards until its tip was stopped by a line of pericardial reflection which forms the:
Your Answer: Oblique pericardial sinus
Explanation:Transverse sinus: part of pericardial cavity that is behind the aorta and pulmonary trunk and in front of the superior vena cava separating the outflow vessels from the inflow vessels.
Oblique pericardial sinus: is behind the left atrium where the visceral pericardium reflects onto the pulmonary veins and the inferior vena cava. Sliding a finger under the heart will take you to this space.
Cardiac notch: indentation of the ‘of the heart’ on the superior lobe of the left lung.
Hilar reflection: the reflection of the pleura onto the root of the lung to continue as mediastinal pleura.
Costomediastinal recess: part of the pleural sac where the costal pleura transitions to become the mediastinal pleura.
Sulcus terminalis: a groove between the right atrium and the vena cava
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 21
A 58-year-old woman diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis had been using warfarin for 10 days. When she presented to the doctor she had haemorrhagic bullae and necrotic lesions in her lower limbs and buttocks. Deficiency of which of the following proteins may have caused the necrotic skin lesions?
Your Answer: Protein C
Explanation:Warfarin-induced skin necrosis is a rare complication of anticoagulant therapy that requires immediate drug cessation. The most common cutaneous findings include petechiae that progress to ecchymoses and haemorrhagic bullae. Warfarin inactivates vitamin K-dependent clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X and vitamin K-dependent proteins C and S. The concentration of protein C falls more rapidly than other vitamin K-dependent factors because they have a shorter half-lives. Skin necrosis is seen mainly in patients with prior protein C deficiency.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology
- Pathology
Question 22
A 56-year-old woman complains of back pain, muscle spasms, weakness, and a burning sensation that radiates from her left hip to her toes. What's the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Herniated nucleus pulposus
Explanation:A herniated disk will produce sensory disturbances, causing pain that radiates along the course of the sciatic nerve which is typically burning or stabbing, with or without back pain. The herniation is usually caused by age-related degeneration although trauma, injuries, or straining may also trigger it.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Orthopaedics
- Pathology
Question 23
The pterygoid plexus receives tributaries from which of the following veins?
Your Answer: Maxillary vein
Explanation:The pterygoid plexus of veins is the main venous component associated with the infratemporal fossa. It receives tributaries corresponding to the branches of the internal maxillary artery. This plexus communicates freely with the anterior facial vein; it also communicates with the cavernous sinus, by branches through the foramen of Vesalius, foramen ovale and foramen lacerum. The (internal) maxillary vein is a short trunk which accompanies the first part of the (internal) maxillary artery. It is formed by a confluence of the veins of the pterygoid plexus and passes backward between the sphenomandibular ligament and the neck of the mandible and unites with the temporal vein to form the posterior facial vein. It carries blood away from the infratemporal fossa.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Head & Neck
Question 24
Where does the ejaculatory duct open into?
Your Answer: Penile urethra
Correct Answer: Prostatic urethra
Explanation:There are two ejaculatory ducts, one on either side of the midline. Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the duct from the seminal vesicles with the ductus deferens. They start at the base of the prostate and run forward and downward between the middle and lateral lobes and along the side of the prostatic utricle to end in the prostatic urethra.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 25
A 60-year old gentleman visited his general practitioner complaining of high grade fever for 7 days and a dull, aching pain in his left lumbar region. On enquiry, he admitted to having a burning sensation while passing urine. His blood results showed an elevated white blood cell count with a left shift. In his condition, which is the most characteristic finding on urine examination?
Your Answer: Renal tubular epithelial cells
Correct Answer: White blood cell casts
Explanation:Tubulointerstitial nephritis is the term given to primary injury to renal tubules and the renal interstitium, which ultimately results in a decline in renal function. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (acute pyelonephritis) is often seen as a result of infection or drug reactions. The most characteristic feature of this condition on urine analysis is the presence of white blood cell casts.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Renal
Question 26
A surgical registrar performing an adrenalectomy procedure on the left suprarenal gland of a 25 - year old male patient, accidentally jabbed and injured a vital structure that lies anterior to the left suprarenal organ. Which of the following was the structure most likely injured?
Your Answer: Pancreas
Explanation:The adrenal (suprarenal) glands are organs of the endocrine system located on top of each of the kidneys. The left suprarenal gland, in question, is crescent in shape and slightly larger than the right suprarenal gland. It is posteriorly located to the lateral aspect of the head of the pancreas which is thus the most likely to be injured. The other organs like the duodenum, liver and the inferior vena cava are related to the right suprarenal gland. The spleen and the colon are not in close proximity with the left suprarenal gland and are not likely to be the organs injured.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 27
During a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, the surgeon finds an artery in the extraperitoneal connective tissue (preperitoneal fat) that courses vertically and just medial to the bowel as the bowel passes through the abdominal wall. Which artery is this?
Your Answer: Inferior epigastric
Explanation:The inferior epigastric artery comes from the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament to curve forward in the subperitoneal tissue and then ascend obliquely along the medial margin of the deep inguinal ring. It continues to ascend between the rectus abdominis and the posterior lamella of its sheath after piercing the fascia transversalis and passing anterior to the linea semicircularis. Finally it gives off numerous branches that anastomose above the umbilicus with the superior epigastric branch of the internal mammary artery and with the lower intercostal arteries. As this artery ascends obliquely upwards from its origin it lies along the lower medial margins of the deep inguinal ring and posterior to the start of the spermatic cord. It is found in the preperitoneal fat of the abdomen lying just superficial to the peritoneum and forms the lateral umbilical fold. Hernias that pass lateral to this are indirect and medial to this, direct hernias.
The deep circumflex artery travels along the iliac crest on the inner surface of the abdominal wall. It is very lateral to the abdominal wall and hernias would pass medial to it.
The superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric, superficial external pudendal arteries are all superficial arteries found in the superficial fascia.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 28
Which of these structures is most likely to be damaged if a patient loses consciousness days or weeks after an otherwise insignificant head trauma, especially in elderly patients?
Your Answer: Dural bridging vein
Explanation:A subdural haematoma is a type of hematoma, usually associated with traumatic brain injury, in which blood collects between the dura mater and the pia-arachnoid mater. Symptoms of subdural haemorrhage have a slower onset than those of epidural haemorrhages because the lower pressure veins bleed more slowly than arteries. These injuries are more common in elderly patients, especially those taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant drugs. Oedema and increased intracranial pressure are unusual.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
- Pathology
Question 29
A 66-year-old man complains of constant headaches. On physical examination, the only relevant sign is a dark brown mole located on left his arm which has grown in size over the years and is itchy and painful. A MRI of the brain revealed a solitary lesion at the grey-white junction in the right frontal lobe, without ring enhancement. This lesion is most likely to be:
Your Answer: Cerebral abscess
Correct Answer: Metastatic carcinoma
Explanation:The location of the mass at the grey–white junction is typical of a metastasis. The most frequent types of metastatic brain tumours originate in the lung, skin, kidney, breast and colon. These tumour cells reach the brain via the bloodstream. This patient is likely to have skin cancer, which caused the metastatic brain tumour.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
- Pathology
Question 30
A 57-year-old male smoker noted a lump on his inner lip. Upon physical examination the lump measured more than 2 cm but less than 4 cm in its greatest dimension. He is diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the lip. What is the stage of the patient's cancer according to the TNM staging for head and neck cancers?
Your Answer: T3
Correct Answer: T2
Explanation:Head and neck cancer is a group of cancers that starts within the mouth, nose, throat, larynx, sinuses, or salivary glands. The TNM staging system used for head and neck cancers is a clinical staging system that allows physicians to compare results across patients, assess prognosis, and design appropriate treatment regimens. The staging is as follows; Primary tumour (T): Tis: pre-invasive cancer (carcinoma in situ), T0: no evidence of primary tumour, T1: tumour 2 cm or less in its greatest dimension, T2: tumour more than 2 cm but not more than 4 cm, T3: tumour larger than 4 cm, T4: tumour with extension to bone, muscle, skin, antrum, neck, etc and TX: minimum requirements to assess primary tumour cannot be met. Regional lymph node involvement (N): N0: no evidence of regional lymph node involvement, N1: evidence of involvement of movable homolateral regional lymph nodes, N2: evidence of involvement of movable contralateral or bilateral regional lymph nodes, N3: evidence of involvement of fixed regional lymph nodes and NX: Minimum requirements to assess the regional nodes cannot be met. Distant metastases (M): M0: no evidence of distant metastases, M1: evidence of distant metastases and MX: minimum requirements to assess the presence of distant metastases cannot be met. Staging: Stage I: T1 N0 M0, Stage II: T2 N0 M0, Stage III: T2NOMO and T3N1MO, Stage IV: T4N1M0, any TN2M0, any TN3M0, any T and any NM1. The depth of infiltration is predictive of the prognosis. With increasing depth of invasion of the primary tumour, the risk of nodal metastasis increases and survival decreases. The patient in this scenario therefore has a T2 tumour.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neoplasia
- Pathology
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