Question 1
Which of the following is the most accurate test for the diagnosis of primary syphilis?
Your Answer: ELISA performed on exudate or secretions
Correct Answer: Dark-field microscopy
Explanation:Primary syphilis is transmitted via sexual contact. Lesions on genitalia, called a chancre occur after an asymptomatic incubation period of 10-90 days (average 21 days) after exposure. This chancre is a typically solitary (can be multiple), firm, painless, ulceration over the skin at the point of exposure to spirochete, seen on penis, vagina or rectum. It heals spontaneously after 4-6 weeks. Local lymphadenopathy can be seen.
Diagnosis is made by microscopy of fluid from lesion using dark-field illumination, taking care to not confuse with other treponemal disease. Screening tests include rapid plasma regain (RPR) and Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory (VDRL) tests. False positives are known to occur with these tests and can be seen in viral infections like hepatitis, varicella, Epstein-Barr virus, tuberculosis, lymphoma, pregnancy and IV drug use. More specific tests should therefore be carried out in case these screening tests are positive.
The Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay (TPHA) and the fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTAABS) test are based on monoclonal antibodies and immunofluorescence and are more specific. However, they can too show false positives with other treponemal diseases like yaws or pinta. Other confirmatory tests include those based on enzyme-linked immunoassays.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Urology
Question 2
What is the most likely cause of bitemporal hemianopia?
Your Answer: Metastatic carcinoma
Correct Answer: Prolactinoma
Explanation:Prolactinoma is the mot common pituitary adenoma; leading to hyperprolactinaemia. By virtue of their size, macroprolactinomas press on the adjacent structures leading to headaches and loss of vision due to the pressure effect on optic chiasm. Women notice a change in their menstrual cycle due to raised prolactin levels. In comparison, the problem goes unnoticed in men in the initial stages. Craniopharyngioma is a less common space-occupying lesions affecting children and young adults.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrine
- Pathology
Question 3
During a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, the surgeon finds an artery in the extraperitoneal connective tissue (preperitoneal fat) that courses vertically and just medial to the bowel as the bowel passes through the abdominal wall. Which artery is this?
Your Answer: Inferior epigastric
Explanation:The inferior epigastric artery comes from the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament to curve forward in the subperitoneal tissue and then ascend obliquely along the medial margin of the deep inguinal ring. It continues to ascend between the rectus abdominis and the posterior lamella of its sheath after piercing the fascia transversalis and passing anterior to the linea semicircularis. Finally it gives off numerous branches that anastomose above the umbilicus with the superior epigastric branch of the internal mammary artery and with the lower intercostal arteries. As this artery ascends obliquely upwards from its origin it lies along the lower medial margins of the deep inguinal ring and posterior to the start of the spermatic cord. It is found in the preperitoneal fat of the abdomen lying just superficial to the peritoneum and forms the lateral umbilical fold. Hernias that pass lateral to this are indirect and medial to this, direct hernias.
The deep circumflex artery travels along the iliac crest on the inner surface of the abdominal wall. It is very lateral to the abdominal wall and hernias would pass medial to it.
The superficial circumflex iliac, superficial epigastric, superficial external pudendal arteries are all superficial arteries found in the superficial fascia.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 4
An experiment is carried out to observe engulfment and phagocytosis of microbes. Strep pneumoniae are added to a solution of leukocytes with a substance added to enhance the process of phagocytosis. What is this substance?
Your Answer: Immunoglobulin M
Correct Answer: Complement C3b
Explanation:C3b is cleaved from C3 complement with the help of the enzyme C3- convertase. It binds to the cell surface of the offending substance and opsonizes it. This makes it easy for the phagocytes to detect and eliminate them.
IgM does not act as an opsonin but igG does.
Selectins aid leukocytes to bind to the endothelial surfaces.
C5a is a chemo-attractant and histamine a vasodilator.
NADPH oxidises offending substance after phagocytosis within the macrophage.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Inflammation & Immunology
- Pathology
Question 5
A 20-year old cyclist falls off a speeding bike and fractures a structure that articulates with the tubercle of the 7th rib. Which structure is fractured?
Your Answer: Body of vertebra T8
Correct Answer: Transverse process of vertebra T7
Explanation:A rib tubercle is a projection that is postero-inferior and lateral to the neck of a rib which articulates with the transverse process of the corresponding vertebra i.e. of the same number. Therefore, the tubercle of rib 7 articulates with the transverse process of T7 vertebra. The head of the rib 7, on the other hand, articulates with the 6th vertebra superiorly and the 7th vertebra inferiorly.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 6
A 27-year-old HIV patient started on an antifungal agent. Which antifungal agent that inhibits the biosynthesis of fungal ergosterol was given to the patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ketoconazole
Explanation:Ketoconazole is a synthetic imidazole antifungal drug used primarily to treat fungal infections. It inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol by blocking demethylation at the C14 site of the ergosterol precursor. Amphotericin B and Nystatin impair permeability of the cell membrane. Flucytosine interferes with DNA synthesis, while the target of griseofulvin is the microtubules
This question is part of the following fields:
- Microbiology
- Pathology
Question 7
Cyclophosphamide is used as a chemotherapy and immunosuppressant agent and is indicated in various diseases. One of the most severe complications of its use is cancer of the:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Urinary bladder
Explanation:Cyclophosphamide is used to treat various types of cancer and autoimmune disorders. The main use of cyclophosphamide is in combination with other chemotherapy agents in the treatment of lymphomas, some forms of leukaemia and some solid tumours. Side-effects include nausea and vomiting, bone marrow suppression, stomach ache, diarrhoea, darkening of the skin/nails, alopecia, lethargy, and haemorrhagic cystitis. Cyclophosphamide is itself carcinogenic, potentially causing transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder as a long-term complication.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
Question 8
Production of pain is most likely associated with:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Substance P
Explanation:Substance P is a short-chain polypeptide that functions as a neurotransmitter and as a neuromodulator, and is thus, a neuropeptide. It has been linked with pain regulation, mood disorders, stress, reinforcement, neurogenesis, respiratory rhythm, neurotoxicity, nausea and emesis. It is also a potent vasodilator as it brings about release of nitric oxide from the endothelium. Its release can also cause hypotension.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
- Physiology
Question 9
An operation to resect a tumour of the right lung was stopped as the chest surgeon said that the tumour was crossing the oblique fissure. Which structures are separated by the oblique fissure of the right lung?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lower lobe from both upper and middle lobes
Explanation:The oblique fissure on the right lung separates the lower lobe from both the middle and upper lobe. The lingual is only found on the left lung and is part of the upper lobe.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 10
When does the heart rate decrease?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pressure on the eyeball
Explanation:Various vagotonic manoeuvres (e.g. Valsalva manoeuvre, carotid sinus massage, pressure on eyeballs, ice-water facial immersion, swallowing of ice-cold water) result in increased parasympathetic tone through the vagus nerve which results in a decrease in heart rate. These manoeuvres may be clinically useful in terminating supraventricular arrhythmias.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
- Physiology
Question 11
Which of the following arteries branch from the deep femoral artery and course between the pectineus and iliopsoas muscles?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Medial femoral circumflex
Explanation:The medial femoral circumflex artery is an artery in the upper thigh that supplies blood to the head and neck of the femur. It arises from the deep femoral artery and winds around the medial side of the femur. It passes first between pectineus and psoas major, and then between obturator externus and adductor brevis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Lower Limb
Question 12
Which of the following is the source of blood supply to the artery of the round ligament at the head of the femur?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Obturator artery
Explanation:The posterior branch of the obturator artery provides an articular branch to the head of the femur.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Lower Limb
Question 13
The patient who is diagnosed with bladder cancer asked his physician, what could have been the contributing factor in the development of his bladder cancer?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Smoking
Explanation:Tobacco smoking is the main known contributor to urinary bladder cancer. In most populations, smoking is associated with over half of bladder cancer cases in men and one-third of cases among women.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neoplasia
- Pathology
Question 14
Regarding the venous drainage of the heart which of these is correct?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The great cardiac vein is the largest tributary of the coronary sinus and this vein starts at the apex of the heart and ascends with the anterior ventricular branch of the left coronary artery
Explanation:Most of the veins of the heart open into the coronary sinus. This is a wide venous channel, about 2.25 cm in length, situated in the posterior part of the coronary sulcus and covered by muscular fibres from the left atrium. Its tributaries are the great, small and middle cardiac veins, the posterior vein of the left ventricle and the oblique vein of the left atrium. The great cardiac vein is the largest tributary of the coronary sinus.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 15
A brain tumour causing blockage of the hypophyseal portal system is likely to result in an increased secretion of which of the following hormones?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Prolactin
Explanation:The hypophyseal portal system links the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary. With the help of this system, the anterior pituitary receives releasing and inhibitory hormones from the hypothalamus and regulates the action of other endocrine glands. One of the inhibitory hormones carried by this system is the prolactin-inhibitory hormone. In the absence of this hormone which might occur in case of a blockage of the system, prolactin secretion increases to about three times normal levels.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
- Physiology
Question 16
Which of the following is true about a patient who has undergone total colectomy and ileostomy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Following total colectomy and ileostomy, the volume and water content of ileal discharge decreases over time
Explanation:After a patient has undergone total colectomy and ileostomy, the volume of ileal discharge, along with its water content gradually decreases over time. Post surgery, most patients can live a normal life. Iron and vitamin B12 absorption do not take place in the colon and hence are not affected significantly by a colectomy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
- Physiology
Question 17
A 20-year old involved in a brawl was stabbed in the anterior chest in a structure that is in close proximity to where the first rib articulates with the sternum. What is the structure that was most likely injured?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sternoclavicular joint
Explanation:The first rib articulates with the sternum right below the sternoclavicular joint.
The sternal angle articulates with the costal cartilage of the second rib.
The nipple is found between the fourth and the fifth ribs, in the fourth intercostal space.
The xiphoid process is located right below the point of articulation of the costal cartilage of rib 7 with the sternum.
The root of the lung is the part of the lung where neurovascular structures enter and leave the lung.
Acromioclavicular joint is the point of articulation between the acromion process and the clavicle, near the shoulder.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 18
After finding elevated PSA levels, a 69-year-old man undergoes a needle biopsy and is diagnosed with prostatic cancer. What is the stage of this primary tumour?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: T1c
Explanation:The AJCC uses a TNM system to stage prostatic cancer, with categories for the primary tumour, regional lymph nodes and distant metastases:
TX: cannot evaluate the primary tumour T0: no evidence of tumour
T1: tumour present, but not detectable clinically or with imaging T1a: tumour was incidentally found in less than 5% of prostate tissue resected (for other reasons)
T1b: tumour was incidentally found in more than 5% of prostate tissue resected
T1c: tumour was found in a needle biopsy performed due to an elevated serum prostate-specific antigen
T2: the tumour can be felt (palpated) on examination, but has not spread outside the prostate
T2a: the tumour is in half or less than half of one of the prostate gland’s two lobes
T2b: the tumour is in more than half of one lobe, but not both
T2c: the tumour is in both lobes
T3: the tumour has spread through the prostatic capsule (if it is only part-way through, it is still T2)
T3a: the tumour has spread through the capsule on one or both sides
T3b: the tumour has invaded one or both seminal vesicles
T4: the tumour has invaded other nearby structures.
In this case, the tumour has a T1c stage.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Urology
Question 19
A 40 year old woman, who is under anaesthesia for an elective procedure, received an antibiotic injection. She immediately developed a rash and her airway constricted raising the airway pressure. Which mechanism is responsible for this reaction?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Type I hypersensitivity
Explanation:Type I hypersensitivity reaction is an immediate reaction that occurs due to binding of the antigen with antibodies attached to mast cells in a previously sensitized person. It has an immediate phase, which is characterised by vasodilation, leakage of plasma, smooth muscle spasm, or glandular secretions. This manifests in about 5-30 min and usually resolves within 60 mins. The delayed phase follows after 24 hours and can persist up to several days. It is due to infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils and CD4+ cells and leads to tissue destruction. The nature of the reaction varies according to the site. It can take the form of skin allergy, hives, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma or food allergy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Inflammation & Immunology
- Pathology
Question 20
An ultrasound report of a 35-year old female patient revealed that she had cancer of the pancreas and presented with subsequent severe obstructive jaundice. In which part of this was woman's pancreas was the tumour most likely located?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Head
Explanation:The pancreas is divided into five parts; the head, body, neck, tail, and the uncinate process. Of the five parts, tumours located at the head of the pancreas in most instances cause obstruction of the common bile duct more often than tumours in the other parts of the pancreas. This is because the common bile duct passes through the head of the pancreas from the gallbladder and the liver (it is formed where the cystic and the hepatic bile duct join) to empty bile into the duodenum. This biliary obstruction leads to accumulation of bile in the liver and a consequent bilirubinaemia (raised levels of blood bilirubin). This results in jaundice. The pancreas is not divided into lobes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Abdomen
- Anatomy
Question 21
A young women following a road traffic accident suffered heavy blood loss and developed subsequent anaemia. Which of the following is a consequence of this?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A high reticulocyte count
Explanation:Anaemia refers to a decrease in the circulating levels of haemoglobin in the blood resulting in a reduced ability of the body to transport oxygen effectively. Anaemia from blood loss results in the body further compensating by releasing stored RBCs and immature RBCs from the bone marrow. Thus resulting in a high reticulocyte count.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General
- Physiology
Question 22
Depression of the normal coagulation system and excessive bleeding after surgery can occur in which of the following medical conditions?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Liver disease
Explanation:As most of the coagulation factors are synthesized in the liver, liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis will depress the coagulation system. Vitamin K deficiency can also decrease the production of vitamin K dependent coagulation factors VII, XI, X and prothrombin.
This question is part of the following fields:
- General
- Physiology
Question 23
Calculate the stroke volume in an adult male with the following parameters:
Heart rate 70 beats/min
Arterial [O2] 0.24 ml O2/min
Venous [O2] 0.16 ml O2/mi
Whole body O2 consumption 500 ml/min
Pulmonary diastolic pressure 15 mmHg
Pulmonary systolic pressure 25 mmHg
Wedge pressure 5 mmHg.Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 90 ml
Explanation:Fick’s principle states that, VO2 = (CO × CAO2) – (CO × CVO2) where VO2 = oxygen consumption, CO = cardiac output, CAO2 = oxygen concentration of arterial blood and CVO2 = oxygen concentration of venous blood. Thus, CO = VO2/CAO2– CVO2, CO = 500/0.24–0.16, CO = 500/0.8, CO = 6.25 l/min. Cardiac output is also given by product of stroke volume and heart rate. Thus, stroke volume = cardiac output / heart rate = 6.25/70 × 1000 stroke volume = 90 ml approximately.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
- Physiology
Question 24
An operation to remove a segment of the oesophagus through a right thoracotomy is complicated when a tear develops in a large venous structure in the posterior mediastinum that empties into the superior vena cava. Which of the following structures is likely to be injured?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Azygos vein
Explanation:The azygos vein is formed by the union of the right subcostal veins and the ascending lumbar veins at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra. It enters the thorax through the aortic hiatus to ascend in the posterior mediastinum and arching over the right main bronchus posteriorly at the root of the right lung to join the superior vena cava before it pierces the pericardium.
The basilic vein is a vein on the medial aspect of the arm that ascends to become the axillary vein.
The cephalic vein is also a vein of the arm.
The external jugular and brachiocephalic vein are not in the posterior mediastinum.
The median cubital vein is found in the cubital fossa of the arm.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Thorax
Question 25
A 62-year-old woman presented to the doctor complaining of spine pain, fatigue and oliguria. She is diagnosed with chronic renal failure. Dipstick testing shows no protein, glucose, nitrite or ketones but a semi-quantitative sulphosalicylic acid test for urine protein is positive. Which of the following is the most probable cause of chronic renal failure in this patient.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Multiple myeloma
Explanation:Dipstick results are negative because the proteins found in the urine of this patient are not albumin but Bence Jones proteins. A Bence Jones protein is a monoclonal globulin protein commonly detected in patients affected by multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a malignancy of plasma cells characterised by the production of monoclonal immunoglobulin. Symptoms include bone pain, bone fractures, bleeding, neurologic symptoms, fatigue, frequent infections and weight loss.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Renal
Question 26
Which foramen contains the vertebral artery?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Foramen magnum
Explanation:The foramen magnum is found in the most inferior part of the posterior cranial fossa. It is traversed by vital structures including the medulla oblongata. Its contents include the following: medulla oblongata, meninges, spinal root of the accessory nerve, vertebral arteries, anterior and posterior spinal arteries, tectorial membrane and alar ligaments.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Head & Neck
Question 27
A 62-year-old man presented with a persistent cough and weight loss. Chest x-ray demonstrated widespread nodular opacities. After a bronchoalveolar lavage, atypical cells were detected. Which is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bronchioalveolar carcinoma
Explanation:Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is a term used to define a particular subtype of adenocarcinoma which develops in cells near the alveoli, in the outer regions of the lungs. On a chest X-ray it can appear as a single peripheral spot or as scattered spots throughout the lungs. Symptoms include cough, haemoptysis, chest pain, dyspnoea and loss of weight.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pathology
- Respiratory
Question 28
Glucose is not secreted by the kidneys, and is filtered without a limit. What is the transport maximum for glucose?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 300 mg/dl
Explanation:Transport maximum (or Tm) refers to the point at which increases in concentration do not result in an increase in movement of a substance across a membrane. Glucose is not secreted, thus excretion = filtration – reabsorption. Both filtration and reabsorption are directly proportional to the concentration of glucose in the plasma. However, reabsorption has a transport maximum of about 300 mg/dl in healthy nephrons, while filtration has effectively no limit (within reasonable physiological ranges). So, if the concentration rises above 300 mg/dl, the body cannot retain all the glucose, leading to glucosuria. Glucosuria is nearly always caused by elevated blood glucose levels, most commonly due to untreated diabetes mellitus.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Physiology
- Renal
Question 29
A 40 year old man sustained a fracture to the surgical neck of his left humerus. Which of the following arteries is suspected to be injured in this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Posterior humeral circumflex
Explanation:The posterior humeral circumflex artery arises from the axillary artery and runs with the axillary nerve through the quadrangular space which is bounded laterally by the surgical neck of the humerus. After winding around the surgical neck of the humerus, it is distributed to the deltoid muscle and the shoulder joint. Thus fractures in the surgical neck of the humerus could result in an injury to this artery.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Upper Limb
Question 30
A 50-year old gentleman who was admitted for elective surgery was found to have haemoglobin 9.5 g/dl, white blood cell count of 1.4 × 109/l and a mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of 134 fl. Which of the following is the likely finding on his peripheral blood smear?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hypersegmented neutrophils
Explanation:The likely diagnosis is megaloblastic anaemia, which also shows the presence of hypersegmented neutrophils.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology
- Pathology
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