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  • Question 1 - The operating surgeon notices a structure lying alongside a herniated mass whilst repairing...


    • The operating surgeon notices a structure lying alongside a herniated mass whilst repairing an indirect inguinal hernia in a female patient. Which structure could this be?

      Your Answer: Round ligament of the uterus


      The main structure traversing the inguinal canal in women is the round ligament. In men, it is the spermatic cord.

      The iliohypogastric nerve innervates the abdominal wall and runs between the transversus abdominis and internal oblique muscles before piercing the internal oblique at the anterior superior iliac spine to run between the internal and external obliques.

      The inferior epigastric artery is between the peritoneum and the transversus abdominis creating the lateral umbilical fold.

      The ovarian artery and the ovarian vein are branches from the descending aorta and inferior vena cava that supply the ovary in the pelvic cavity.

      The pectineal ligament is a thick fascial layer over the pectineal line of the pubis. It doesn’t traverse the canal.

      The broad ligament if found on the lateral sides of the uterus.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 2 - What is the percentage of bone calcium that is freely exchangeable with the...


    • What is the percentage of bone calcium that is freely exchangeable with the extracellular fluid that is available for buffering changes in the calcium ion balance?

      Your Answer: 1%


      Around 1% of calcium in the body is available for buffering changes in calcium ion balance. These are mainly derived from the bone that are freely exchangeable with extracellular fluid.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Fluids & Electrolytes
      • Pathology
  • Question 3 - During a case presentation, a 26 year old is said to have fractured...


    • During a case presentation, a 26 year old is said to have fractured his pelvis and shattered his coccyx following a motorbike accident. It is mentioned that he is likely to have lacerated his middle sacral artery from this kind of injury. Where does the middle sacral artery branch from?

      Your Answer: Common iliac artery

      Correct Answer: Abdominal aorta


      The middle sacral artery arises from behind the aorta a little above the point of its bifurcation to descend down in front of L4,5, the sacrum and coccyx.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 4 - Which of the following is a landmark to identify the site of the...


    • Which of the following is a landmark to identify the site of the 2nd costal cartilage?

      Your Answer: Sternal notch

      Correct Answer: Sternal angle


      The sternal angle is an important part where the second costal cartilage attaches to the sternum. Finding the sternal angle will help in finding the second costal cartilage and intercostal space.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 5 - A 65-year-old female is taking different medications for various medical conditions. Which medication...


    • A 65-year-old female is taking different medications for various medical conditions. Which medication would most likely predispose the patient to develop hyperkalaemia?

      Your Answer: Spironolactone


      The most important potential side effect of spironolactone is hyperkalaemia (high potassium levels), which, in severe cases, can be life-threatening. Hyperkalaemia in these patients can present as a non anion-gap metabolic acidosis. 

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Fluids & Electrolytes
      • Pathology
  • Question 6 - During uterogrowth, the second pharyngeal arch gives rise to which structures? ...


    • During uterogrowth, the second pharyngeal arch gives rise to which structures?

      Your Answer: Malleus

      Correct Answer: Stylohyoid muscle


      The second pharyngeal arch or hyoid arch, is the second of six pharyngeal arches that develops in fetal life during the fourth week of development and assists in forming the side and front of the neck. Derivatives:

      Skeletal – From the cartilage of the second arch arises:


      Temporal styloid process,

      Stylohyoid ligament, and

      Lesser cornu of the hyoid bone.


      Muscles of face

      Occipitofrontalis muscle


      Stylohyoid muscle

      Posterior belly of Digastric

      Stapedius muscle

      Auricular muscles

      Nerve supply: Facial nerve

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Embryology
  • Question 7 - Which tumour occurs in young adults, affecting the epiphyses of the bones and...


    • Which tumour occurs in young adults, affecting the epiphyses of the bones and sometimes extending to the soft tissues?

      Your Answer: Chondroblastoma

      Correct Answer: Benign giant-cell tumour


      Benign giant-cell tumours tend to affect adults in their twenties and thirties, occur in the epiphyses and can erode the bone and extend into the soft tissues. These tumours have a strong tendency to recur.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Orthopaedics
      • Pathology
  • Question 8 - A 45-year-old-female is suspected to have a pulmonary mass. Supposing that she has...


    • A 45-year-old-female is suspected to have a pulmonary mass. Supposing that she has a neoplasm, which of the following are most commonly found to involve the lung:

      Your Answer: Pulmonary metastases


      Lung metastases occur when a cancer started in another part of the body (primary site) spreads to the lungs. The lungs are among the most common site where cancer can spread due to its rich systemic venous drainage, almost every type of cancer can spread to the lung. The most common types of cancer that spread to the lung are breast, colorectal, kidney, testicular, bladder, prostate, head and neck cancers.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pathology
      • Respiratory
  • Question 9 - Perforin are present in the granules of which cell? ...


    • Perforin are present in the granules of which cell?

      Your Answer: Natural killer cell


      Perforins are characteristically found In the granules of CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells. They are cytolytic proteins that insert into the target plasma membrane forming a hole and resulting in lysis. They along with granzyme B induce apoptosis in the target cell.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 10 - A young man was thrown from a vehicle in a collision. He landed...


    • A young man was thrown from a vehicle in a collision. He landed on his head and shoulder tip, stretching the left side of his neck. A neurological examination revealed that the fifth and sixth cervical nerves had been torn from the spinal cord. What is the most obvious clinical manifestation of this?

      Your Answer: Abduction


      In the case of injuries to the upper roots of the brachial plexus there is complete loss of abduction. The muscle performing this movement is the supraspinatus. This initiates the movement, followed by the deltoid muscle, which allows for complete abduction. Both these muscles are innervated by nerves originating from C5 and C6. The injury to these roots results in a condition named Erb-Duchenne’s palsy.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Upper Limb
  • Question 11 - A CT scan of 65 year old male patient at an outpatient clinic...


    • A CT scan of 65 year old male patient at an outpatient clinic suggested a bone tumour at the stylomastoid foramen. Which of the following cranial nerves is likely to be affected with this tumour?

      Your Answer: VII


      Cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve, is found in the internal acoustic canal and runs through this canal into the facial canal before exiting through the stylomastoid foramen. In the case of a bone tumour at the stylomastoid process, the facial nerve is the nerve that will most likely be affected.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 12 - Which of the following is a large artery that runs immediately posterior to...


    • Which of the following is a large artery that runs immediately posterior to the stomach?

      Your Answer: Superior mesenteric

      Correct Answer: Splenic


      The splenic artery is the large artery that would be found running off the posterior wall of the stomach. It is a branch of the coeliac trunk and sends off branches to the pancreas before reaching the spleen. The gastroduodenal artery on the other hand is found inferior to the stomach, posterior to the first portion of the duodenum. The left gastroepiploic artery runs from the left to the right of the greater curvature of the stomach. The common hepatic artery runs on the superior aspect of the lesser curvature of the stomach, and is a branch of the coeliac trunk. The superior mesenteric artery arises from the abdominal aorta just below the junction of the coeliac trunk.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 13 - A 55-year old gentleman presented to the doctor with worsening dysphagia for both...


    • A 55-year old gentleman presented to the doctor with worsening dysphagia for both solids and liquids over 6 months. This was associated with regurgitation of undigested food and occasional chest pain. Barium swallow revealed distal oesophageal dilatation with lack of peristalsis in the distal two-third oesophagus. The likely diagnosis is:

      Your Answer: Achalasia


      Achalasia is an oesophageal motility disorder where inappropriate contractions in the oesophagus lead to reduced peristalsis and failure of the lower oesophageal sphincter to relax properly in response to swallowing. Classical triad of symptoms include dysphagia to fluids followed by solids, chest pain and regurgitation of undigested food. Other symptoms include belching, hiccups, weight loss and cough. Diagnosis is by:

      – X-ray with a barium swallow or oesophagography : narrowing at the gastroesophageal junction (‘bird/parrot beak’ or ‘rat tail’ appearance) and various degrees of mega-oesophagus (oesophageal dilatation) as the oesophagus is gradually stretched by retained food. Effectiveness of treatment can be measured with a 5-minute timed barium swallow.

      – Manometry – probe measures the pressure waves in different parts of oesophagus and stomach while swallowing.

      – Endoscopy

      – CT scan to exclude other causes like malignancy

      – Pathological examination showing defect in the nerves which control oesophageal motility (myenteric plexus).

      In Chagas disease, there is destruction of ganglion cells by Trypanosoma cruzi.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastroenterology
      • Physiology
  • Question 14 - A 50-year-old woman goes to the doctor complaining of myalgia, muscle cramps, and...


    • A 50-year-old woman goes to the doctor complaining of myalgia, muscle cramps, and weakness; she is diagnosed with severe hypokalaemia. Which of the following is the most common cause of hypokalaemia?

      Your Answer: Diabetic ketoacidosis

      Correct Answer: Prolonged vomiting


      Potassium is one of the body’s major ions. Nearly 98% of the body’s potassium is intracellular. The ratio of intracellular to extracellular potassium is important in determining the cellular membrane potential. Small changes in the extracellular potassium level can have profound effects on the function of the cardiovascular and neuromuscular systems. Hypokalaemia may result from conditions as varied as renal or gastrointestinal (GI) losses, inadequate diet, transcellular shift (movement of potassium from serum into cells) and medications. The important causes of hypokalaemia are:

      Renal losses: renal tubular acidosis, hyperaldosteronism, magnesium depletion, leukaemia (mechanism uncertain).

      GI losses: vomiting or nasogastric suctioning, diarrhoea, enemas or laxative use, ileal loop.

      Medication effects: diuretics (most common cause), β-adrenergic agonists, steroids, theophylline, aminoglycosides.

      Transcellular shift: insulin, alkalosis.

      Severe hypokalaemia, with serum potassium concentrations of 2.5–3 meq/l, may cause muscle weakness, myalgia, tremor, muscle cramps and constipation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Fluids & Electrolytes
      • Physiology
  • Question 15 - Which of these HLA alleles is most likely to be present in ankylosing...


    • Which of these HLA alleles is most likely to be present in ankylosing spondylitis?

      Your Answer: HLA-B27


      Ankylosing spondylitis usually appears between the ages of 20-40 years old and is more frequent in men. It is strongly associated with HLA-B27, along with other spondyloarthropathies, which can be remembered through the mnemonic PAIR (Psoriasis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Inflammatory bowel disease, and Reactive arthritis).

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Orthopaedics
      • Pathology
  • Question 16 - The deep planter artery is a branch of the: ...


    • The deep planter artery is a branch of the:

      Your Answer: Posterior tibial artery

      Correct Answer: Dorsalis pedis artery


      The deep plantar artery is a branch of the dorsalis pedis artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 17 - You observe a procedure to harvest the left internal thoracic (mammary) artery to...


    • You observe a procedure to harvest the left internal thoracic (mammary) artery to be used as a graft for coronary artery bypass surgery. The left internal thoracic artery is mobilised from the inside of the chest wall and divided near the caudal end of the sternum. After dividing the internal thoracic artery at its distal end, the specialist registrar asks you to name the artery that will now have increased blood supply so that adequate blood flow is maintained to the rectus abdominis on the left side. What would your answer be?

      Your Answer: Superficial epigastric artery

      Correct Answer: Inferior epigastric artery


      The rectus abdominis muscle is supplied by the superior epigastric artery which is a branch of the internal thoracic artery. If the internal thoracic artery is thus ligated, blood would no longer flow to it. However, the superior epigastric artery communicates with the inferior epigastric artery (a branch of the external iliac artery). This means that blood could flow from the external iliac, to the inferior epigastric, to the superior epigastric to the rectus abdominis.

      The superficial circumflex iliac artery and the superficial epigastric are two superficial branches of the femoral artery and do not supply the deep branches of the abdomen.

      The deep circumflex iliac artery travels along the iliac crest on the inner surface of the abdominal wall; being too lateral it doesn’t supply blood to the rectus abdominis.

      The distal portions of the umbilical arteries are obliterated in adults to form the medial umbilical folds.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Abdomen
      • Anatomy
  • Question 18 - A 72 year old man suffered a MI. What is the approximate time...


    • A 72 year old man suffered a MI. What is the approximate time needed by the scar tissue of the MI to recover and attain full strength?

      Your Answer: Several months


      A week following a MI attack, a little collagen starts to form and deposit. By the end of the 2nd week, neovascularisation of the scar occurs, with some collagen being laid down in a haphazard fashion. By this time the scar attains some strength. During the next 6 months, collagen is constantly being laid down and is rearranged in order to shrink the scar. Most of the blood vessels by this time have regenerated, decreasing vascularity of the scar reaching full maturity.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cell Injury & Wound Healing; Cardiovascular
      • Pathology
  • Question 19 - A CT-scan of the lung shows a tumour crossing the minor (horizontal) fissure....


    • A CT-scan of the lung shows a tumour crossing the minor (horizontal) fissure. This fissure separates:

      Your Answer: The lower lobe from both the middle and upper lobes

      Correct Answer: The middle lobe from the upper lobe


      The horizontal fissure separates the upper lobe from the middle lobe. The oblique fissure on the other hand separates the lower lobe from both the middle and upper lobes. The lingula is found only on the left lung.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Thorax
  • Question 20 - The following structures DO NOT lie between the layers of the mesosalpinx except...


    • The following structures DO NOT lie between the layers of the mesosalpinx except for the?

      Your Answer: Fallopian tube


      Mesosalpinx is the portion of the broad ligament that stretches from the fallopian tube to the ovary and contains the uterine tubes between it’s layers.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Pelvis
  • Question 21 - Following a bee sting, a women develops a 2cm red, raised, swollen lesion...


    • Following a bee sting, a women develops a 2cm red, raised, swollen lesion at the site of the sting . Which of the following findings is likely to be seen in this lesion?

      Your Answer: Foreign body reaction

      Correct Answer: Vasodilation


      Inflammation is the immediate response of the body towards infections or irritations. The cardinal signs of inflammation are 1. redness/rubor, 2. tumour/swelling, 3.dolar/pain, 4.calor/heat and organ dysfunction (function laesa). Inflammation has 2 components; vascular and cellular. Blood vessels dilate upstream of the inflamed area leading to the rubor and calor and constrict downstream, increasing pressure and causing fluid to leak out of the capillary, resulting in swelling. The cellular component includes infiltration by neutrophils. Leukocyte arrival and functions include; 1. margination: cells marginated from the centre to the periphery of the vessel, 2. rolling: selectins are upregulated on the vessel walls, 3. adhesion: upregulation of the adhesion molecules ICAM and VCAM on the endothelium interact with integrins on the leukocytes resulting in adhesion, 4. diapedesis and chemotaxis: diapedesis is the transmigration of the leukocyte across the endothelium of the capillary and towards a chemotactic product and 5. phagocytosis: engulfing the offending substance/cell.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 22 - Calculate the total peripheral resistance for a patient with a blood pressure of...


    • Calculate the total peripheral resistance for a patient with a blood pressure of 130/70 mm HG and cardiac output of 5 litres / min?

      Your Answer: 18 mmHg × min/l


      Total peripheral resistance = Mean arterial pressure/Cardiac output. And the mean arterial pressure = Diastolic pressure + 1/3 (Systolic pressure – Diastolic pressure), i.e., 70 + 1/3 (130-70) = 90 mmHg. Therefore, total peripheral resistance = 90 mmHg/5 l per min = 18 mmHg × min/l.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular
      • Physiology
  • Question 23 - A young girl who presented with a clinical picture of type I hypersensitivity...


    • A young girl who presented with a clinical picture of type I hypersensitivity reaction with eosinophilia is most likely to have?

      Your Answer: Liver flukes


      Usually a parasitic infection will be associated with a type I hypersensitivity reaction.

      Amyloid deposition will not cause an immune reaction.

      Organic dust will lead to a type III hypersensitivity reaction.

      Cell mediated as well as humoral immune mechanism play a part in syphilis, but they are do not specifically cause a type I reaction.

      Malaria is cause by plasmodium and is not cause of a hypersensitivity reaction.

      Atopic dermatitis will not be accompanied by eosinophilia.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 24 - Which of the following mediators of inflammation requires arachidonic acid for synthesis? ...


    • Which of the following mediators of inflammation requires arachidonic acid for synthesis?

      Your Answer: Prostaglandins


      Arachidonic acid is normally present in the phospholipids that make up the cell membrane and is cleaved by phospholipase A2 from the phospholipid. Arachidonic acid is a precursor for the production of eicosanoids which include: 1) prostaglandins, prostacyclins and thromboxane, 2) leukotrienes and 3) anandamides. The production of these products along with their action on the body is called the arachidonic acid cascade.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Inflammation & Immunology
      • Pathology
  • Question 25 - The orbicularis oculi us a muscle that closes the eyelids. What is the...


    • The orbicularis oculi us a muscle that closes the eyelids. What is the motor innervation of this muscle?

      Your Answer: A branch of a nerve that exits through the superior orbital foramen

      Correct Answer: A branch of a nerve that exits through the stylomastoid foramen


      The orbicularis oculi is a muscle in the face that closes the eyelids. It is supplied by zygomatic branch of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), which exits through the stylomastoid foramen.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 26 - A 55 year-old construction worker is diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma. Exposure to which...


    • A 55 year-old construction worker is diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma. Exposure to which substance increased his risk in developing mesothelioma?

      Your Answer: Asbestos


      Mesothelioma is a rare, aggressive form of cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart. It is linked to inhalation of asbestos commonly used in ship building and the insulation industry. It has no known cure and has a very poor prognosis.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neoplasia
      • Pathology
  • Question 27 - The gluteus medius muscle: ...


    • The gluteus medius muscle:

      Your Answer: Flexes the thigh at the hip joint

      Correct Answer: Is supplied by the superior gluteal nerve


      The gluteus medius is situated on the outer surface of the pelvis. It arises from the outer surface of the ilium between the iliac crest and posterior gluteal line above and the anterior gluteal line below. The gluteus medius is supplied by the fourth and fifth lumbar and first sacral nerves through the superior gluteal nerve

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Lower Limb
  • Question 28 - The mandibular nerve, which is the largest of the 3 divisions of the...


    • The mandibular nerve, which is the largest of the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve, exits the cranial cavity through which foramen?

      Your Answer: Foramen ovale


      At the base of the skull the foramen ovale is one of the larger of the several holes that transmit nerves through the skull. The following structures pass through foramen ovale: mandibular nerve, motor root of the trigeminal nerve, accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins and occasionally the anterior trunk of the middle meningeal vein.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 29 - A 35 year-old woman is undergoing thyroidectomy. The external laryngeal nerve may be...


    • A 35 year-old woman is undergoing thyroidectomy. The external laryngeal nerve may be injured whilst ligating this artery during the procedure due to its close relationship?

      Your Answer: Superior thyroid artery


      The superior thyroid artery arises from the external carotid artery just below the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and ends in the thyroid gland. This artery must be ligated at the thyroid when conducting a thyroidectomy. If the artery is severed, but not ligated, it will bleed profusely. In order to gain control of the bleeding, the surgeon may need to extend the original incision laterally to ligate the artery at its origin at the external carotid artery. The external laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve courses in close proximity to the superior thyroid artery, making it at risk for injury during surgery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Head & Neck
  • Question 30 - What is formed when the ductus deferens unites with the duct of the...


    • What is formed when the ductus deferens unites with the duct of the seminal vesicle?

      Your Answer: Ejaculatory duct


      The deferens is a cylindrical structure​ with dense walls and an extremely small lumen It is joined at an acute angle by the duct of the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct, which traverses the prostate behind it’s middle lobe and opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra, close to the orifice of the prostatic utricle.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Pelvis


Abdomen (1/4) 25%
Anatomy (7/16) 44%
Fluids & Electrolytes (2/3) 67%
Pathology (9/11) 82%
Thorax (0/2) 0%
Embryology (0/1) 0%
Orthopaedics (1/2) 50%
Respiratory (1/1) 100%
Inflammation & Immunology (3/4) 75%
Upper Limb (1/1) 100%
Head & Neck (3/4) 75%
Gastroenterology (1/1) 100%
Physiology (2/3) 67%
Lower Limb (0/2) 0%
Cell Injury & Wound Healing; Cardiovascular (1/1) 100%
Pelvis (2/2) 100%
Cardiovascular (1/1) 100%
Neoplasia (1/1) 100%