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  • Question 1 - Which of the following is a form of synaptic plasticity? ...


    • Which of the following is a form of synaptic plasticity?

      Your Answer: Neurogenesis

      Correct Answer: Working memory


      Synaptic plasticity is an important neurochemical foundation of working memory and generation of memory. Synaptic plasticity is the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time in response to increases or decreases in their activity.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 2 - Choose the correct answer: fibers in the superior cerebellar peduncle: ...


    • Choose the correct answer: fibers in the superior cerebellar peduncle:

      Your Answer: Are predominantly afferent fibers (input to the cerebellum)

      Correct Answer: Are mainly ventral spinocerebellar tracts from the cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus and red nucleus


      There are three cerebellar peduncles with different connections and functions. The three are mainly, superior, middle and inferior. The superior cerebellar peduncle is also known as the “Brachium conjunctivum”. It predominantly contains efferent fibers from the cerebellar nuclei, as well as some afferents from the spinocerebellar tract. The efferent pathways include cerebellorubral, dentatothalamic, and fastigioreticular fibers. These are tracts projecting from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus and red nucleus. The middle cerebellar peduncle connects to the pontine nucleus and the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts run through the superior cerebellar peduncle.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 3 - What is the most abundant cell type in the central nervous system called?...


    • What is the most abundant cell type in the central nervous system called?

      Your Answer: Microglia

      Correct Answer: Astrocyte


      Astrocytes are the supporting cells of the central nervous system. There are two types; the fibrous type is found in the white matter and the protoplasmic type in the grey matter. They are the most abundant cell type in the CNS.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 4 - Increase Gamma motor neuron activity produces what effect on the muscle spindle sensitivity?...


    • Increase Gamma motor neuron activity produces what effect on the muscle spindle sensitivity?

      Your Answer: No effect

      Correct Answer: Increase


      The muscle spindle is supplied by both sensory and motor nerves. Sensory supply is Type Ia fibers whereas motor supply is via gamma motor neurons. These neurons also play a role in adjusting the sensitivity of muscle spindles. Increased neuron activity increases the muscle spindle sensitivity.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 5 - Which part of the cerebellum is primarily responsible for equilibrium and eye movements?...


    • Which part of the cerebellum is primarily responsible for equilibrium and eye movements?

      Your Answer: Vestibulocerebellum


      The vestibulocerebellum develops at the same time as the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear. Its regulates balance between agonist and antagonist muscle contractions of the spine, hips, and shoulders during rapid movements.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 6 - Which of the following tracts are involved in the control of vital functions?...


    • Which of the following tracts are involved in the control of vital functions?

      Your Answer: Rubrospinal

      Correct Answer: Reticulospinal


      Reticulospinal tract pass down from the reticular formation of the mid brain, pons and medulla. It descends in the lateral white column. Both sets of fibers enter the anterior grey column and may facilitate or inhibit the gamma and alpha neurons. By this means the reticulospinal tract controls voluntary and reflex activities. It also contains the descending autonomic fiber, thus providing a pathway for the hypothalamus to control the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 7 - The parasympathetic function of the facial nerve is: ...


    • The parasympathetic function of the facial nerve is:

      Your Answer: Secretion of tears from lacrimal glands, secretion of saliva from the sublingual and submandibular salivary glands.


      Facial nerve (Cranial Nerve VII) has both sensory and motor components so it is a mixed nerve. It carries axons of:
      General somatic afferent – to skin and the posterior ear
      General visceral efferent – which innervate sublingual, submandibular and lacrimal glands and the mucosa of the nasal cavity.
      General visceral afferent – provide sensation to soft palate and parts of the nasal cavity.
      Special visceral efferent – innervate muscles of facial expression and stapedius, the posterior belly of the digastric and the stylohyoid muscles
      Special visceral afferent – provide taste to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue via chorda tympani.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 8 - The reticular formation occupies which area of the brain? ...


    • The reticular formation occupies which area of the brain?

      Your Answer: Medulla and midbrain


      The reticular formation is a set of interconnected nuclei that are located along the brainstem.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 9 - Activation of the cool receptor (CMR-1), causes: ...


    • Activation of the cool receptor (CMR-1), causes:

      Your Answer: Inhibition of Na+ channels

      Correct Answer:


      Cold and Menthol receptor 1 (CMR1) is a protein that in humans is encoded by TRPM8 gene. It is an ion channel which upon activation causes the influx of Na+ and Ca++ ions into the cell that leads to the depolarization and generation of an action potential.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 10 - Where are the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons located? ...


    • Where are the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons located?

      Your Answer: Ventral root

      Correct Answer: Lateral column


      The cell bodies of the preganglionic neurons are located in the lateral grey column of the spinal cord and in the motor nuclei of the 3rd, 7th, 9th and 10th cranial nerves.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 11 - In Argyll Robertson pupils… ...


    • In Argyll Robertson pupils…

      Your Answer: It may occur in CNS syphilis

      Correct Answer: All of the above


      Argyll Robertson pupils are bilaterally small pupils that accommodate or reduce in size near an object but do not react to light. They do not constrict when exposed to bright light. They are a highly specific sign of neurosyphilis but may be seen in diabetic neuropathy as well.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 12 - Which receptor type is associated with uterine contracture in pregnancy? ...


    • Which receptor type is associated with uterine contracture in pregnancy?

      Your Answer: Β1

      Correct Answer: Α1


      Alpha-1 adrenergic receptors cause uterine contraction during pregnancy. They are linked to Gq-proteins that activate smooth muscle contraction through the IP3 signal transduction pathway.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 13 - Regarding taste threshold and intensity discrimination: ...


    • Regarding taste threshold and intensity discrimination:

      Your Answer: 60% change in concentration of substance tasted is necessary before an intensity difference can be detected

      Correct Answer: 30% change in concentration of substance tasted is necessary before an intensity difference can be detected


      The ability of humans to differentiate differences in intensity of taste is poor. A 30% change in the concentration of the substance being tasted is required before an intensity difference is perceived.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 14 - Which substance has the lowest taste threshold concentration, in other words which substance...


    • Which substance has the lowest taste threshold concentration, in other words which substance can be present in the lowest concentration before taste buds will respond?

      Your Answer: Hydrochloric acid (sour)

      Correct Answer: Strychnine hydrochloride (bitter)


      The lowest concentration of a gustatory stimulus to which the taste buds respond is considered to be the threshold concentration for that substance. The threshold concentration for strychnine is 0.0001 mm; this is because it allows the body to detect potentially dangerous substances (bitter plant components) at lower concentrations.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 15 - Habituation… ...


    • Habituation…

      Your Answer: Is a form of explicit memory

      Correct Answer: Is a simple form of learning in which a neutral stimulus is repeated many times


      It is a simple form of learning where an organism decreases or ceases it’s response to a certain stimuli after repeated presentation. The organisms learns to stop responding to a stimulus which is no longer biologically relevant.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 16 - Select the correct pairing regarding the surface of the cerebral hemispheres. ...


    • Select the correct pairing regarding the surface of the cerebral hemispheres.

      Your Answer: Parietal lobe : primary somatosensory cortex


      Right homonymous hemianopia is due to a lesion or pressure on the left optic tract.
      Total blindness of the left eye is due to a complete occlusion of the left optic nerve.
      Bipolar hemianopia is due to a midline chiasmal lesion.
      Left nasal hemianopia due to a lesion involving the left perichiasmal area.
      Right homonymous inferior quadrantanopia is due to involvement of the lower left optic radiations.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 17 - In response to tissue injury, which of these cannot sensitize and activate nociceptors?...


    • In response to tissue injury, which of these cannot sensitize and activate nociceptors?

      Your Answer: Calcium


      Histamine, serotonin, bradykinin and prostaglandin are all chemical mediators of inflammation with different distinct functions however all activate nociceptors. Calcium on the other hand cannot sensitize or activate nociceptors.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 18 - The spinothalamic tracts are particularly concerned with… ...


    • The spinothalamic tracts are particularly concerned with…

      Your Answer: Control of posture

      Correct Answer: Pain and temperature sensations


      The spinothalamic tracts are ascending or sensory tracts, responsible for transmission of pain and temperature.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 19 - Choose the correct answer: The cerebrocerebellum… ...


    • Choose the correct answer: The cerebrocerebellum…

      Your Answer: All options are correct


      Cerebrocerebellum is comprised of two lateral regions, the cerebellar hemispheres and communicates with the cerebral cortex. It is principally responsible for controlling coordination of movement. Three fiber bundles carry the input and output of the cerebellum. There are three cerebellar peduncles with different connections and functions. The three are mainly, superior, middle and inferior. The superior cerebellar peduncle is also known as the “Brachium conjunctivum”. It predominantly contains efferent fibers from the cerebellar nuclei, as well as some afferents from the spinocerebellar tract. The efferent pathways include cerebellorubral, dentatothalamic, and fastigioreticular fibers. These are tracts projecting from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the thalamus and red nucleus. The middle cerebellar peduncle connects to the pontine nucleus and the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts run through the superior cerebellar peduncle

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 20 - What is found in the posterior cavity of the eye? ...


    • What is found in the posterior cavity of the eye?

      Your Answer: Vitreous humor


      The eye ball contains an anterior cavity and a posterior cavity. The anterior cavity once again is divided into the anterior chamber and posterior chamber. The anterior cavity is filled with aqueous humor whereas the posterior cavity contains vitreous humor.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 21 - The majority of corticospinal tract fibers decussate in the: ...


    • The majority of corticospinal tract fibers decussate in the:

      Your Answer: Medulla


      The corticospinal tract is a descending motor path way that begins in the cerebral cortex and decussates in the pyramids of the medulla.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 22 - Which one of the following nerve fibers is involved in proprioception? ...


    • Which one of the following nerve fibers is involved in proprioception?

      Your Answer: C fiber

      Correct Answer: An α fiber


      Proprioception, also known as kinaesthesia, is the sense through which humans perceive their own position and movements. α nerve fibers are specifically involved in transmitting proprioception stimuli.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 23 - Cranial nerves VI, VII, VIII enter/exit the base of the brain at the:...


    • Cranial nerves VI, VII, VIII enter/exit the base of the brain at the:

      Your Answer: Corpora quadrigemina

      Correct Answer: Ponto-medullary junction


      Cranial nerves III, IV and V exit from the pons, VI, VII, VIII exit from the pontomedullary junction and cranial nerve IX, X, XI, XII exit from the medulla.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 24 - The superior orbital fissure is the site of entry/exit for which of the...


    • The superior orbital fissure is the site of entry/exit for which of the following group of nerves?

      Your Answer: CN II, III, IV, VI

      Correct Answer: CN III, IV, V1, VI


      The superior and inferior divisions of oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV), lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary branches of ophthalmic V1 and the abducens nerve (VI)

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      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 25 - Which statement is incorrect regarding nociceptor C fibers… ...


    • Which statement is incorrect regarding nociceptor C fibers…

      Your Answer: They conduct at low rates (0.5-2 m/s)

      Correct Answer: They are thinly myelinated


      Group C nerve fibers are unmyelinated and have a small diameter, which means they conduct impulses at a low velocity. They carry sensory information and nociception.

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      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 26 - Which one of the following neurotransmitters is considered a monoamine? ...


    • Which one of the following neurotransmitters is considered a monoamine?

      Your Answer: Norepinephrine

      Correct Answer: Acetylcholine


      Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system. Monoamine neurotransmitters contain only one amino group joined to an aromatic ring. Acetylcholine is produced from acetyl-CoA and choline.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 27 - Which part of the cerebellum is primarily responsible for interacting with the motor...


    • Which part of the cerebellum is primarily responsible for interacting with the motor cortex and planning and programming movements?

      Your Answer: Spinocerebellum

      Correct Answer: Cerebrocerebellum


      The cerebrocerebellum is the largest functional subdivision of the cerebellum, comprising of the lateral hemispheres and the dentate nuclei. It is involved in the planning and timing of movements, and in the cognitive functions of the cerebellum.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 28 - Afferent A δ fibers from nociceptors terminate primarily on neurons in which lamina:...


    • Afferent A δ fibers from nociceptors terminate primarily on neurons in which lamina:

      Your Answer: I and V


      Nociceptors are receptors of pain sensation. There are 2 primary afferent/sensory pain fibers which transmit impulses from the receptor to the CNS, specifically to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The two fibers are A δ and C fibers. The dorsal horn of the spinal cord is the relay centre for sensory information converging from the periphery. Grey matter of the dorsal horn is subdivided in to laminae based on cytoarchitecture. C fibers terminate in lamina II the substantia gelatinosa. A δ fibers terminate primarily in lamina I but some project more deeply to terminate in lamina V.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 29 - Which serotonergic receptor is associated with vomiting? ...


    • Which serotonergic receptor is associated with vomiting?

      Your Answer: 5ht3


      5ht3 is a receptor strongly associated with vomiting, present in vagal afferents, the solitary tract nucleus (STN), and the area posterior. For this reason, 5ht3 antagonists are commonly used as antiemetic drugs. They include ondansetron, tropisetron, and granisetron.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy
  • Question 30 - The pathway responsible for the discriminative aspect of pain, is called the: ...


    • The pathway responsible for the discriminative aspect of pain, is called the:

      Your Answer: Spinoreticular tract

      Correct Answer: Neospinothalamic tract


      The spinothalamic tract is an ascending or a sensory tract, responsible for transmission of pain and temperature. The neospinothalamic tract is responsible for fast pain or discriminative pain whereas the palaeospinothalamic tract is responsible for transmission of slow pain.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neuro-anatomy


Neuro-anatomy (10/30) 33%