Question 1
A 40-year-old female presented in the OPD with a 4-day history of severe episodes of dizziness. She reports that her room starts spinning and then she tends to fall. She also complains of deafness, tinnitus, and a sensation of clogging in the ear. What condition do you think this patient is suffering from?
Your Answer: Meniere's disease
Explanation:The patient presents with the classic symptoms of Meniere’s disease. This is a condition in which the amount of endolymph in the internal ear increases because of an increase in endolymph production, a reduction of endolymph drainage, or as a result of an infection. Hearing and balance tests should be done for the proper analysis of the patient’s condition and to rule out other conditions.
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Question 2
A 21-year-old patient is referred to the tertiary neurology clinic because of a possible diagnosis of Juvenile Parkinson's disease. His symptoms began predominantly with dystonia affecting the lower limbs, but he now has more classical signs of older onset Parkinson's including tremor, bradykinesia, and rigidity.
You map out his family tree and understand that his sister developed Parkinson's at the age of 16 but that his parents do not have signs of Parkinson's.
Which of the following is the most likely mode of inheritance?Your Answer: Autosomal recessive
Explanation:Juvenile Onset Parkinson’s is an autosomal recessive condition that usually presents in late childhood to early adulthood, initially with gait disorders caused by lower limb dystonia that later develops to the more classical signs Parkinson’s.
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Question 3
A 50-year-old female was examined after complaining of weak limbs. It was discovered she had burn marks on her fingers, diminished reflexes, and wasted and weak hands. Additionally, she has dissociated sensory loss and weak spastic legs. What is the diagnosis for this patient?
Your Answer: Syringomyelia
Explanation:All of the symptoms experienced by this patient are consistent with Syringomyelia. The sensory features are as follows: loss of temperature and pain sensation; sensory loss in the arms, shoulders, and upper body; touch, vibration, and position senses are affected in the feet as the syrinx enlarges into the dorsal column. Motor features are as follows: muscle wasting and weakness which begins in the hand, and moves onto the forearms and shoulders; loss of tendon reflexes. Autonomic involvement, such as the bladder and bowel, can occur.
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Question 4
Which group of drugs is used to manage Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Your Answer: Anti epileptics
Explanation:The only drug currently licensed in the UK to treat trigeminal neuralgia is carbamazepine which is an anticonvulsant. It can be very effective initially, but may become less effective over time.
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Question 5
A 42-year-old male undergoes a routine cranial nerve examination, which reveals the following findings:
Rinne's test: Air conduction > bone conduction in both ears
Weber's test: Localizes to the right side
What do these test results imply?Your Answer: Left conductive deafness
Correct Answer: Left sensorineural deafness
Explanation:Weber’s test – if there is a sensorineural problem, the sound is localized to the unaffected side (right), indicating a problem on the left side.
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Question 6
A 48-year-old artist presented with tremors. Which of the following is more suggestive of parkinsonism than an essential tremor?
Your Answer: First degree relatives being affected with similar problems
Correct Answer: Unilaterality
Explanation:Essential tremors are usually symmetrical and generalized. It often affects the head and the voice of the patient. Usually it is first noticed by first degree relatives. It is improved by benzodiazepines and beta blockers. On the other hand, Parkinsonism tends to develop in older patients. It is characterised by bradykinesia and rigidity. It improves by L-dopa and dopamine agonists. A simple test is to ask the patient to write a short sentence. Parkinsonism shows micrographiam whilst essential tremors will have tremulous writing.
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Question 7
In last 5 days, an old man has complained of severe left sided headache, which was aggravated by bright lights. He has not vomited but feels nauseated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Migraine
Explanation:Migraine without aura have the following characteristics: Nausea and vomiting accompanied by >5 headaches that last for 4-72 hours, plus any unilateral, pulsating headache or are aggravated by routine daily activities.
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Question 8
A 59-year-old surgeon presents with a progressive paraesthesia and numbness in both feet, which have deteriorated over the last six months. He has a 10 year history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and had cervical spondylosis, for which he underwent surgery eight years ago. He also confessed to drinking approximately 40 units of alcohol weekly.
On examination he had mild bilateral weakness of foot dorsiflexion and both ankle reflexes were absent. There was absent sensation to light touch to mid-shin level with loss of joint position sensation in the toes and absent vibration sensation below the hips. He had a marked sensory ataxia and pseudoathetosis of the upper limbs. He had no evidence of a retinopathy and urinalysis was normal.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Alcohol-induced neuropathy
Correct Answer: Vitamin B 12 deficiency
Explanation:Diabetic peripheral neuropathy usually goes in parallel with retinopathy and nephropathy. It is also slowly progressive and affects mainly the spinothalamic pathway.
Alcohol induced peripheral neuropathy is also slowly progressive and affects mainly the spinothalamic pathway.
Vitamin B 12 deficiency usually causes a more rapidly progressive neuropathy with dorsal column involvement (joint position and vibration involvement with sensory ataxia and pseudoathetosis of upper limbs). -
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Question 9
A 65-year-old real estate broker presents with a tremor. Which one of the following features would suggest a diagnosis of essential tremor rather than Parkinson's disease?
Your Answer: Tremor is worse when the arms are outstretched
Explanation:Difficulty in initiating movement (bradykinesia), postural instability and unilateral symptoms (initially) are typical of Parkinson’s. Essential tremor symptoms are usually worse if arms are outstretched and eased by rest and alcohol.
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Question 10
A 52-year-old hypertensive, smoker presents to ER with right side weakness. He gives a history of multiple falls and lack of concentration. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
Your Answer: Multi-infarct dementia
Explanation:The patient is a heavy smoker and hypertensive which are risk factors of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular diseases. The acute onset of the weakness and the lateralization indicates a cerebral infarction.
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Question 11
A 34-year-old male patient is admitted with hemisection of the spinal cord at the level T5, after being stabbed in the back. Which sign would you expect to see by assessing the patient's sensory function and muscle strength?
Your Answer: Contralateral loss of temperature, ipsilateral loss of fine touch and vibration, contralateral spastic paresis
Correct Answer: Contralateral loss of temperature, ipsilateral loss of fine touch and vibration, ipsilateral spastic paresis
Explanation:Depending on the level of SCI, patients experience paraplegia or tetraplegia. Paraplegia is defined as the impairment of sensory or motor function in lower extremities. Patients with incomplete paraplegia generally have a good prognosis in regaining locomotor ability (,76% of patients) within a year. Complete paraplegic patients, however, experience limited recovery of lower limb function if their NLI is above T9. The spinothalamic tract is the one responsible for sensory information such as pain or temperature. However, it decussates at the same level the nerve root enters the spinal cord, meaning that the sensory loss will be contralateral. However, the dorsal column carries sensory fibres for fine touch and vibration and it decussates at the medulla which means that the sensory loss will be ipsilateral. The corticospinal tract is responsible for motor functions and it decussates at the medulla, meaning that the motor function loss will be ipsilateral.
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Question 12
A 75-year-old retired tailor is examined for involuntary, jerking movements of his arms. His symptoms seem to resolve when he is asleep. Damage to which one of the following structures may lead to hemiballism?
Your Answer: Subthalamic nucleus
Explanation:Hemiballismus or hemiballism in its unilateral form is a very rare movement disorder. It is a type of chorea caused in most cases by a decrease in activity of the subthalamic nucleus of the basal ganglia, resulting in the appearance of flailing, ballistic, undesired movements of the limbs. Symptoms may decrease while the patient is asleep. Antidopaminergic agents (e.g. Haloperidol) are the mainstay of treatment.
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Question 13
A 51 year-old teacher presents complaining of numerous falls. He states he has difficulty walking up stairs, and he thinks it is because of his weak legs rather than blackouts. He is hypertensive and has suffered chronic back pain for many years. He has smoked for many years as well and has a chronic smokers cough. Upon examination, he has weakness of hip flexion and particularly knee extension. He is unable to keep his fingers flexed against force, with the right being weaker than the left. There are no sensory abnormalities and reflexes are preserved bilaterally. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Polymyositis
Correct Answer: Inclusion body myositis
Explanation:The pattern of muscle involvement seen with quadriceps and long-finger flexors is characteristic of inclusion body myositis, an inflammatory myopathy. Polymyositis is likely to cause a predominantly proximal weakness, associated with muscle pain. The signs and symptoms are not consistent with upper cord compression, as there would likely be sensory signs, reflex changes, and possible urinary symptoms. Motor neuron disease cannot be ruled out, but there are no findings of upper motor neuron or bulbar features.
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Question 14
A 43 year-old female artist with no past medical history presents to the emergency department with a 2-day history of pins and needles in the lower limbs, and progressive walking difficulties. She states she had diarrhoea 1 week ago. On examination, there is a loss of pinprick sensation noted to the lower limbs from mid-thigh distally and in the upper limbs from MCP joints distally. There is bilateral weakness of ankle dorsiflexion, noted at 3/5, and knee flexion and extension weakness, noted at 4/5 bilaterally. Power in upper and lower limbs is otherwise normal. Knee and ankle deep tendon reflexes are absent. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Guillain-Barre syndrome
Explanation:Guillain-Barre syndrome is an immune mediated demyelination of the peripheral nervous system often triggered by an infection (classically Campylobacter jejuni). Characteristic features include progressive weakness of all four limbs, and it is classically ascending, affecting the lower extremities first. Sensory symptoms tend to be mild.
Functional neurological syndrome can be discounted due to presence of hard neurological signs. Multiple sclerosis can be excluded because of the presence of lower motor neuron signs and absence of upper motor neuron signs. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy is the chronic form of Guillain-Barre syndrome.
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Question 15
A 42-year-old male has suffered a stroke - he is unable to walk in a straight line and has slurred speech. From the list of options, choose the most appropriate investigation to proceed with.
Your Answer: MRI (brain)
Correct Answer: CT scan brain
Explanation:CT scans are used to produce images of the brain. It can be used to detect a stroke from a blood clot or bleeding within the brain.
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Question 16
A 75-year-old woman experiences weakness of her left hand. Clinical examination reveals wasting of the hypothenar eminence and weakness of finger abduction and thumb adduction. The lesion is most probably located at:
Your Answer: Median nerve
Correct Answer: Ulnar nerve
Explanation:Patients with compressive neuropathy of the ulnar nerve typically describe numbness and tingling of the ulnar-sided digits of the hand, classically in the small finger and ulnar aspect of the ring finger. Among the general population, symptoms usually begin intermittently and are often worse at night, particularly if the elbow is flexed while sleeping. As the disease progresses, paraesthesia may occur more frequently and during the daytime.
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Question 17
A 34 year male is brought to the emergency by the paramedics who found him unconscious after being hit by a car. However, he regained consciousness and began talking. While waiting for the doctor's review, he suddenly becomes comatose and the condition deteriorates. What will be the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Extradural haemorrhage
Explanation:Extradural haemorrhage occurs as a result of head trauma and subsequent acute haemorrhage, primarily from the middle meningeal artery between the skull and the dura mater. Typical symptoms are due to compression of the brain and appear after a lucid interval that follows an initial loss of consciousness. Increased intracranial pressure leads to a decline in mental status and anisocoria, in which the ipsilateral pupil is dilated. Diagnosis is confirmed by CT (biconvex, hyperdense, sharply demarcated mass). Emergency treatment is necessary and involves neurosurgical opening of the skull and hematoma evacuation.
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Question 18
A 51-year-old presents with muscle atrophy. He has a high BMI and finds it difficult to climb stairs. If the patient also has polydipsia and polyuria, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Amyotrophy
Explanation:(Diabetic) Amyotrophy is a condition that presents with muscle wasting and consequent difficulty in climbing stairs. The onset is relatively sudden and symptoms of diabetes are characteristic.
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Question 19
A 57-year-old architect presents with weakness of the right hand. You note global wasting of the small hand muscles. There is also sensory loss over the medial border of the forearm around the elbow. Which of the following nerve roots is damaged?
Your Answer: C6
Correct Answer: T1
Explanation:This patient has Klumpke’s paralysis due to damage to the T1 nerve root. This root eventually supplies the median and ulnar nerves. The ulnar nerve supplies all of the intrinsic hand muscles except for those of the thenar eminence and the first and second lumbricals, which are innervated by the median nerve.
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Question 20
An 83-year-old retired musician is examined for progressive cognitive impairment. Which one of the following features is most suggestive of Lewy body dementia?
Your Answer: Symptoms worsen with neuroleptics
Explanation:Lewy body dementia is an increasingly recognised cause of dementia, accounting for up to 20% of cases. The characteristic pathological feature is alpha-synuclein cytoplasmic inclusions (Lewy bodies) in the substantia nigra, paralimbic and neocortical areas. Neuroleptics should be avoided in Lewy body dementia as patients are extremely sensitive and may develop irreversible parkinsonism. Questions may give a history of a patient who has deteriorated following the introduction of an antipsychotic agent.
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Question 21
A 25-year-old farmer presents with a fever, headache, malaise and neck stiffness. The first line empirical antibiotic is?
Your Answer: Ceftriaxone
Explanation:The most likely diagnosis is meningitis which requires admission and iv antibiotics. The drug of choice is a 3rd generation cephalosporin. In patients older than 55 , ampicillin cefotaxime combination is used.
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Question 22
An 18-year-old female patient presents with a history of headache and photophobia. You believe that the diagnosis is subarachnoid haemorrhage but your colleague insists on bacterial meningitis. Which of the following would you use to support your diagnosis?
Your Answer: A family history of polycystic renal disease
Explanation:Hypertension could be the result of polycystic renal disease and is a risk factor for subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). What are common in polycystic renal disease are cerebral aneurysms which could rupture if hypertension is present. Both meningitis and SAH can lead to a fluctuating level of consciousness and opiate abuse is not a risk factor for either SAH nor meningitis. Finally, diabetes is not linked with none of the possible diagnoses because hypertension is not a risk factor of diabetes.
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Question 23
A 48-year-old woman presented to you with a history of left side weakness that resolved within 2 hours. A CT scan was done showing reduced blood flow in a certain area. What is the next step regarding investigations?
Your Answer: Carotid Doppler plus angiography
Explanation:This is a case of a transient ischemic attack. It is better investigated by carotid duplex to exclude carotid artery stenosis or atherosclerotic changes.
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Question 24
The drug of choice for delirium tremens will be?
Your Answer: IV Lorazepam
Correct Answer: IV Chlordiazepoxide
Explanation:The drugs of choice for delirium tremens are benzodiazepines such as chlordiazepoxide, diazepam or lorazepam. Chlordiazepoxide is a long acting drug and is the preferred drug, before the other benzodiazepines. Barbiturates are the 2nd drugs of choice.
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Question 25
A 68-year-old woman with contralateral hemisensory loss presents with severe burning pain in this area. In which of the following areas has arterial occlusion most probably occurred?
Your Answer: Superior division of middle cerebral artery (dominant hemisphere)
Correct Answer: Thalamogeniculate artery
Explanation:The woman’s clinical evolution suggests that there was a thalamic stroke in the contralateral hemisphere. The artery most likely affected is the thalamogeniculate artery. Sensory loss is usually unilateral and presents at the opposite side of the brain lesion. This kind of stroke can result in severe burning pain which is responsive to tricyclics.
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Question 26
Which of the following peripheral neuropathy inducing clinical diagnoses is predominantly associated with sensory loss?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Uraemia
Explanation:Diseases that cause predominantly sensory loss include diabetes, uraemia, leprosy, alcoholism, vitamin B12 deficiency, and amyloidosis.
Those that cause predominantly motor loss include Guillain-Barre syndrome, porphyria, lead poisoning, hereditary sensorimotor neuropathies, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and diphtheria. -
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Question 27
Question 28
A 27-year-old realtor presented with progressive weakness of both legs over the last 3 years. He complained of being unable to see well at night and having an impaired sense of smell. On examination he had a shortened fourth toe bilaterally with pes cavus. Neurological examination revealed a loss of pinprick sensation to bilateral knees, and weakness of both legs that was more prominent distally. Which of the following would be the best blood test to order to make a diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Phytanic acid
Explanation:The diagnosis is Refsum’s disease. This is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes a sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy. It is caused by defective alpha oxidation of phytanic acid leading to its accumulation in tissues. Cardiac conduction abnormalities and cardiomyopathies may also occur.
Epiphyseal dysplasia causes a characteristic shortening of the fourth toe. Serum phytanic acid levels are elevated. Treatment is by dietary restriction of foods containing phytanic acid (dairy products, fish, beef and lamb). -
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Question 29
A 44 year-old electrician is referred to you complaining of increasing problems with concentration. He also complains of irregular jerky movements of his extremities and fingers. He consumes approximately 25 units of alcohol per week. His father was diagnosed with dementia at the age of 40. Apart from generalized choreiform movements, his neurological and systemic examinations were normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Huntington's disease
Explanation:Huntington’s disease is an autosomal inherited condition characterized by progressive dementia and worsening choreiform movements. Symptoms typically appear between ages 30 and 50. Ultimately the weakened individual succumbs to pneumonia, heart failure, or other complications.
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Question 30
An iv-drug abuser sustains an open head injury and is admitted overnight for observation. The next morning she is ok and is discharged. A week later she is re-admitted with fluctuating hard neurological signs. Blood results show neutrophilia and raised C-reactive protein (CRP).
Which of the following is the best initial treatment step?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Computed tomography (CT) scan with contrast
Explanation:Increased WBC count and CRP suggest infection. But with the fluctuating hard neurological signs, there is suspicion of the presence of a cerebral mass, which is an indication for requesting for a CT scan with contrast, to rule out an abscess or haematoma. The lumbar puncture can be considered after the CT scan.
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Question 31
A 51-year-old woman admitted to the hospital for 3 days due to haemoptysis developed an ataxic gait, visual problems, and altered state of consciousness. What is the most appropriate management of this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: High potent vitamins
Explanation:Wernicke’s encephalopathy presents with neurological symptoms as a result of biochemical deficits in the central nervous system due to depleted B-vitamin reserves, particularly thiamine (vitamin B1). Classically, Wernicke encephalopathy is characterised by the triad – ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, and confusion. Thiamine treatment should be started immediately and usually continued until clinical improvement ceases.
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Question 32
Which of the following statements regarding restless leg syndrome is not true?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: It is three times as common in females
Explanation:In restless leg syndrome (RLS), males and females are thought to be equally affected. RLS is a syndrome of spontaneous, continuous lower limb movements that may be associated with paraesthesia. It is extremely common, affecting between 2-10% of the general population and a family history may be present.
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Question 33
A 27-year-old lady presents with severe morning headaches associated with nausea. Head MRI reveals a large compressive tumour arising from the falx cerebri. The tumour is well delineated. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Meningioma
Explanation:Meningiomas are the most common benign tumours of the brain. Their name is derived from the fact that they arise from the dura mater which together with the pia matter and arachnoid mater form the meninges. The chances that a meningioma is benign are almost 98%. They are non-invasive and well delineated, causing sign and symptoms of brain compression.
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Question 34
A 11-year-old is referred to neurology due to episodes her GP feels are epileptiform. Her mother reports that she appears to just 'stop', sometimes even in mid conversation, for several seconds at random times during the day. During these episodes, she can be unresponsive to questioning and has no recollection of them.
Which of these drugs is contraindicated in this condition?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Carbamazepine
Explanation:The patient’s history points to absence seizures. Carbamazepine has been shown to aggravate generalized seizure types, especially absence seizures, because it acts directly on the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus which is critical to the neurophysiology of absence seizures.
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Question 35
A 61-year-old man presented with a TIA and loss of consciousness for 30 min. His CT brain scan is normal and his ECG shows atrial fibrillation. Which risk assessment score is best used in this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: CHADS2
Explanation:CHADS2 score provides a comprehensive prediction of thromboembolic events in avalvular AF patients:
C Congestive heart failure – 1
H Hypertension: blood pressure consistently above 140/90 mmHg (or treated hypertension on medication) – 1
A Age >75 years – 1
D Diabetes mellitus – 1
S2 Prior Stroke or TIA or Thromboembolism – 2 -
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Question 36
A 29-year-old physiotherapist with a history of bilateral vitreous haemorrhage is referred due to progressive ataxia. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Explanation:Retinal and cerebellar haemangiomas are key features of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Retinal haemangiomas are bilateral in 25% of patients and may lead to vitreous haemorrhage. Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition predisposing to neoplasia. It is due to an abnormality in the VHL gene located on short arm of chromosome 3.
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Question 37
A 19 year-old male was brought to the OPD with GCS of 15 after a head injury. After admission his GCS deteriorated to 12. What investigation needs to be done?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: CT head
Explanation:CT scan head will be the investigation of choice in this case. The best possible cause will be an intracranial haemorrhage which can be visualized easily with CT scan brain.
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Question 38
During the examination of an elderly confused and non-coherent gentleman who was brought to casualty by a concerned neighbour, you notice that he has bilaterally small pupils, which do not appear to react to light. Under the circumstances, it is difficult to judge their response to accommodation.
Which of the following conditions may not account for the pupillary appearance in this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Acute alcohol intoxication
Explanation:Acute alcohol intoxication presents with pupillary dilation, thus, this is ruled out in this patient. All the other listed causes present with small pupils bilaterally.
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Question 39
A 22-year-old patient was diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme, after he was investigated for seizures. The cell of origin of this tumour is?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Astrocytes
Explanation:Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common anaplastic malignant tumour of the glial cells. It is a mixture of poorly differentiated anaplastic astrocytes.
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Question 40
A 51-year-old man speaks fast and does not take enough breaths before speaking again. He ignores interruptions and does not want to pause in between. What best describes this kind of speech?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pressure of speech
Explanation:A pressured speech is too fast for the listener to understand and is very difficult to interrupt.
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Question 41
A 23-year-old patient was involved in a MVA. Clinical examination reveals a fixed dilated pupil and reduced consciousness. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oculomotor nerve
Explanation:The oculomotor nerve is the 3rd cranial nerve. When damaged it affects the ocular motility causing mainly ptosis or diplopia. Damage to it can also affect the pupillary functions causing pupil dilation and light reflex impairment.
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Question 42
Which of the following abnormal facial movements is not a well-recognised association?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Facial synkinesis - Wilson's disease
Explanation:Wilson’s disease may have an asymmetric tremor which is variable in character and may be predominantly resting, postural, or kinetic.
Progressive supra-nuclear palsy – blepharospasm, apraxia of lid opening and/or apraxia of lid closing.
Tourette’s syndrome – one or more motor or vocal tics.
Multiple Sclerosis – continuous facial myokymia.
Tardive dyskinesia is a side-effect of conventional antipsychotics, neuroleptics, anticholinergics, and toxins resulting in stiff, jerky movements of your face and body -
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Question 43
A drunken man has fallen asleep in a position with his arm hanging down. After waking up he complained of wrist drop and sensory loss at the web of the thumb. Which of the following structures is most likely to be affected?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Radial nerve
Explanation:This presentation is known as ‘Saturday night palsy’. When someone falls asleep with a arm hanging over the arm rest of a chair, the radial nerve compresses and causes wrist drop and loss of sensation at the web of the thumb.
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Question 44
A 48-year-old patient with diabetes is referred from the Emergency department complaining of dizziness and vomiting.
On examination he is alert and oriented, his pulse is 80 irregularly irregular and BP 160/90 mmHg. There is nystagmus on left lateral gaze and his speech is slurred. On examination of the limbs, you note intention tremor and past pointing. He is ataxic when mobilised.
What is the likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cerebellar CVA
Explanation:The patient’s presentation with slurred speech, intention tremor and past pointing, as well as ataxia and nystagmus, paired with a history of vertigo suggest the cerebellum as the site of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke.
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Question 45
A 36 year-old accountant presents with a sudden onset of headache which progressed to him collapsing. Upon arrival in A&E, he has a heart rate of 76 bpm, blood pressure 220/140, and Glasgow Coma Score of 9 (E2, M5, V2). Which of the following should be done immediately?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Give high flow oxygen via a non-rebreather mask
Explanation:This man is likely suffering from a subarachnoid haemorrhage or intracerebral bleed. The priority is to prevent a secondary brain injury. Important first steps include ensuring a secure airway, normalizing cardiovascular function, and treating seizures. His airway is likely to be protected with a GCS of 9, although he may benefit from a nasal or oral airway, and close attention should be paid to his airway if going for a CT scan. He should receive high flow oxygen and his blood pressure should not be treated acutely, as i is often appropriate to compensate for a rise in intracranial pressure. Nimodipine should be given if a subarachnoid haemorrhage is proven. Attention should also be given to maintaining a normal blood sugar, as hyperglycaemia worsens outcomes.
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Question 46
An 18-year-old, previously well boy was admitted following a generalized tonic-clonic convulsion for 5 minutes with urinary incontinence and eye rolling. On examination, he was drowsy and had bilateral upgoing plantar reflexes. A short while ago he had been playing rugby and had taken a hit to the head. He was apparently normal for a few minutes before fitting. His blood sugar level was normal. Which of the following is the most probable reason for this presentation?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Post-traumatic seizure
Explanation:The history is suggestive of a post-traumatic seizure which frequently occurs after moderate or severe traumatic brain injury. Although upgoing plantars can be identified in a post-ictal status, an intracranial bleed has to be excluded. A single seizure cannot be considered epilepsy
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Question 47
Which one of the following medications is most useful for helping to prevent attacks of Meniere's disease?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Betahistine
Explanation:Betahistine is a histamine analogue that has been the mainstay treatment drug for Meniere’s disease.
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Question 48
A 67-year-old male presented with a history of chronic backache and altered sensation over the lateral side of his right calf and foot. Which of the following nerve roots will most likely be involved in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: L5-S1
Explanation:Lesions in L5-S1 region leads to altered sensation on the lateral side of calf and foot, along with back pain. There might be difficulty in extension of the leg, foot inversion, plantar flexion and toe flexion, as muscles controlling these functions are supplied by S1.
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Question 49
A 45-year-old female has presented to her doctor with rotational vertigo, nausea, and vomiting (especially when she moves her head). She had a similar incident 2 years ago. It is noted that these vertigo episodes follow a runny nose, cough, cold, and a fever. Given the symptoms, what is the most likely diagnosis for the patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vestibular neuritis
Explanation:In this patient, there is no sensorineural hearing loss (which is often present in Meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis, and acoustic neuroma). Additionally, a runny nose, cold, cough, and fever are all recognised as triggers of vestibular neuritis (but not BPPV).
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- Nervous System
Question 50
Which of the following is MOST suggestive of a lesion of the sciatic nerve?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Foot drop
Explanation:The sciatic neve originates in the sacral plexus, mainly from spinal segments L5-S2. It supplies muscles that cause extension of the thigh and flexion of the leg. It divides into two main branches, the tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve, which are responsible for all foot movements. Anterior thigh and medial leg sensory loss is typical of a femoral nerve lesion. The femoral nerve also mediates flexion of the hip.
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- Nervous System
Question 51
A 74-year-old retired judge who is known to have Alzheimer's disease is examined in clinic. His latest Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score is 18 out of 30. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment option?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Supportive care + donepezil
Explanation:NICE now recommends the three acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine) as options for managing mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. Memantine is reserved for patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s.
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- Nervous System
Question 52
A 27 year-old ballet instructor presents with 1-day history of left-sided facial weakness and an increased sensitivity to noise in her left ear. She is very anxious because 2 years ago she had some problems with her vision and was told that multiple sclerosis was a possibility. Her medical history is significant only for type 1 diabetes mellitus managed with insulin, and she is also taking a combined oral contraceptive pill. Upon examination, she has a lower motor neuron lesion of the left VII (facial) nerve with Bell's phenomenon present and difficulty closing her left eye. There is no objective hearing loss and no sensory signs. Examination of the auditory meatus and canal is unremarkable. The remainder of the neurological examination appears normal. The next management step in her care should be:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Eye patch and artificial tears
Explanation:From the given history and physical examination findings, this patient has Bell’s palsy. There is no evidence to suggest involvement of any other cranial nerves, which might raise suspicion of a cerebello-pontine angle space-occupying lesion. With her history of possible optic neuritis, there is a possibility that the lesion is in fact a manifestation of multiple sclerosis, although this should be differentiated by examination of an upper motor neuron lesion (with sparing of the forehead facial muscles because of bilateral innervation). In light of her diabetes and the limited evidence of benefit from corticosteroid use, the most sensible first management step for her would be meticulous eye care to avoid corneal ulceration, as a result of the difficulty she is having closing her left eye.
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- Nervous System
Question 53
A 61-year old mechanic recently attended A&E, with a 3 month history of bilateral paresthesia and twitching affecting the thumb, first finger and lateral forearm. He denied any trauma. An MRI scan of his spine was performed and revealed cervical canal stenosis with mild cord compression. He was discharged and advised to see his GP for follow-up. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial step in management?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Refer to spinal surgery services
Explanation:Bilateral median nerve dysfunction is suggestive of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) rather than bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. DCM should be suspected in elderly patients presenting with limb neurology. This patient’s twitches are probably fibrillations, a sign of lower motor neuron dysfunction.
Degenerative cervical myelopathy is associated with a delay in diagnosis. It is most commonly misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome. In one study, 43% of patients who underwent surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy had been initially diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Management of these patients should be by specialist spinal services (neurosurgery or orthopaedic spinal surgery). Decompressive surgery is the mainstay of treatment and has been shown to stop disease progression. Physiotherapy and analgesia do not replace surgical opinion, though they may be used alongside. Nerve root injections do not have a role in management. -
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- Nervous System
Question 54
A 37-year-old woman presents with sudden blindness. She claims she had a similar episode last year which resolved in three months. Fundoscopy is normal. Upon examination, mild weakness of the right upper limb is found. Reflexes on the same limb are exaggerated. What is the best treatment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Corticosteroids
Explanation:The age of the patients together with sudden loss of vision, remission and relapse of optic neuritis, focal neurological symptoms and exaggerated reflexes all suggest multiple sclerosis. This is treated with corticosteroids.
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- Nervous System
Question 55
Regarding cranial nerves, which of the following statements is true?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The vagus nerve supplies the palatal muscles
Explanation:In addition to the pharynx and larynx, the vagus nerve also innervates the palatoglossus of the tongue, and the majority of the muscles of the soft palate.
The lacrimal gland is supplied by the facial nerve.
The glossopharyngeal nerve supplies the parotid salivary gland controlling salivary secretions.
The oculomotor nerve carries parasympathetic efferents to the sphincter pupillae muscle and innervates the superior rectus.
The optic nerve carries sympathetic postganglionic fibres to the dilator pupillae muscle.
The trochlear nerve supplies the superior oblique muscle. -
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- Nervous System
Question 56
Which is the most appropriate agent for the prophylaxis of cluster headaches?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Verapamil
Explanation:Verapamil, can effectively reduce the number of attacks during a cluster headache period of exacerbation. Oral sumatriptan has not been shown to be effective prophylactically. Verapamil in dosages of 360 to 480 mg daily is one of the few treatments for episodic cluster headache tested in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and found effective in reducing attack frequency.
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- Nervous System
Question 57
A 51-year-old male patient presents with acute back pain, which worsens on prolonged walking and sitting. The pain radiates towards the lower limbs and seems to be relieved by lying down. What is the best next step?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Explanation:A herniated disc seems to be the cause of the patient’s pain. MRI is the investigation of choice, since it can show soft tissue and establish a differential diagnosis.
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- Nervous System
Question 58
A 48-year-old hairdresser presented to her GP complaining of tingling in the right palm and right wrist pain. She had intermittently experienced these symptoms; however, recently they had been keeping her awake all night. She had noticed a reduction in grip and was struggling to work at the salon. Otherwise, she felt well in herself and had not noticed any weakness in the other hand or lower limb. Her weight was stable, and she denied any neck problems or swallowing difficulties. She had a past medical history of hypothyroidism and hypertension and took regular thyroxine, Bendroflumethiazide and ibuprofen. She was a non-smoker and rarely drank alcohol. On examination, she appeared alert and oriented. Fundoscopy and cranial nerve examination were all normal and neck movements were full.
On examination of the upper limb, there was wasting over the right thenar eminence and fasciculations with a small burn over the right index finger. There was weakness of thumb abduction and opposition, with loss of pinprick and light touch sensation over the thumb, index and middle finger in the right hand. Nerve conduction studies showed absent sensory action potential in right median palmar branches and denervation of the right abductor pollicis brevis.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Median nerve palsy
Explanation:The history is consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) arising as a result of pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The median nerve supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence: the abductor pollicis (C7, C8), flexor pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis, and the lateral two lumbricals. The nerve conduction studies confirm marked denervation and absent sensory potentials within the median nerve territory.
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- Nervous System
Question 59
A 63-year-old gentleman presents with left-sided eye pain and diplopia for the past 2 days. Examination of his eyes shows his pupils equal and reactive to light with no proptosis. There is however an apparent palsy of the 6th cranial nerve associated with a partial 3rd nerve palsy on the left side. Examining the remaining cranial demonstrates hyperaesthesia of the upper face on the left side. Where is the likely lesion?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cavernous sinus
Explanation:A lesion on the cavernous sinus would explain the palsy observed on the III and VI cranial nerves because the cranial nerves III, IV, V, and VI pass through the cavernous sinus. Pain in the eye is due to the nearby ophthalmic veins that feeds the cavernous sinus. Additionally, the lesions in the other structures would have presented with pupil abnormalities and less localized pain and symptoms.
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- Nervous System
Question 60
A 24-year-old male was involved in a traffic collision. X-rays indicated that the neck of the humerus had suffered a fracture. Choose the single most associated nerve injury from the list of options.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Axillary nerve
Explanation:Fractures in the neck of the humerus are well documented to cause damage to the auxiliary nerve.
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- Nervous System
Question 61
A 30-year-old painter presents with a burning pain in both feet, which has deteriorated over the last six months. He drinks 60 units of alcohol weekly and has a family history of pernicious anaemia.
On examination he has impairment of all modalities of sensation in both feet but particularly pain, temperature and absent ankle jerks.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Alcoholic peripheral neuropathy
Explanation:Because of the patient’s history of excessive alcohol consumption, there is a strong suspicion of alcoholic peripheral neuropathy. In the UK, alcohol abuse and diabetes are the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy.
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- Nervous System
Question 62
A 20-year-old gentleman presents to the A&E department complaining of a sudden-onset occipital headache associated with vomiting. His symptoms started 2 hours previously and are continuing. He has a previous history of infrequent migraine without aura, which also causes nausea but not vomiting. He rated his current headache as much more severe than his usual migraine. Examination is unremarkable. In particular, there is no neck stiffness or photophobia.
Which of the following management options would be the most appropriate?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: CT brain scan, followed by lumbar puncture if CT normal
Explanation:The patient presented with sudden-onset headache that is more painful than his usual migraine attacks. This gives a high suspicion of subarachnoid haemorrhage; thus, a CT brain scan should be ordered first to rule this out. However, a normal CT scan is apparent in 30% of patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage and should be referred for lumbar puncture to look for red blood cells.
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- Nervous System
Question 63
A 53 year-old dancer presents to the ED with increasing weakness. She has no pertinent past medical history aside from a recent diarrhoeal illness, which she attributes to an undercooked chicken meal. Her husband says that she has been unable to get up out of a chair for the past day. Upon examination, there is bilateral limb weakness and areflexia noted, but it is more severe in the lower limbs. You notice that if she lies flat in the bed, her oxygen saturations fall by around 2% on the pulse oximeter and she is unable to perform spirometry. Which of the following represents the most appropriate immediate management of choice in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: ITU review for consideration of ventilation
Explanation:This woman has a history that is suggestive of Guillain- Barre syndrome. This may be precipitated by Campylobacter, and her history of recent diarrhoeal illness is pointing towards that. Certain features point to a poor prognosis, including rapidity of onset, reduced vital capacity or respiratory failure, age >40 and reduced amplitude of compound muscle action potential. Her inability to perform spirometry and desaturating whilst lying flat are suggestive of impending respiratory muscle weakness. Review for consideration of ventilation is recommended. Further management of choice for Guillain-Barre syndrome is IV immunoglobulins. Steroids have no value in the treatment of the condition.
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- Nervous System
Question 64
Which of the following signs is least suggestive of cervical myelopathy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bladder disturbance
Explanation:Cervical myelopathy is mostly caused by spondylosis of C5-C7. Sphincters are usually not involved. The lower limbs usually are hypertonic with weakness and up going planter reflex. Vibration and proprioception tend to be lost. Biceps jerk is inverted or even absent. Although cervical spondylosis is the most common cause, an intrinsic lesion might give a similar picture.
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- Nervous System
Question 65
A 52-year-old man presents with numbness and tingling in his left hand. On examination he has weakness of elbow extension, metacarpophalangeal joint flexion and extension and distal interphalangeal joint flexion. All other movements and reflexes are normal. Sensation is normal apart from reduced pinprick sensation over the medial aspect of the hand. An MRI scan of the cervical spine is performed due to suspicion of a nerve lesion.
Which of the following pathologies is most likely to be found on the scan based on the clinical findings?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Disc herniation between C7 and T1
Explanation:The C8 nerve forms part of the radial and ulnar nerves via the brachial plexus, and therefore has motor and sensory function in the upper limb. It originates from the spinal column from below the cervical vertebra 7 (C7).
The C8 nerve receives sensory afferents from the C8 dermatome. This consists of all the skin on the little finger, and continuing up slightly past the wrist on the palmar and dorsal aspects of the hand and forearm.
The other options available correspond to the C6 or C7 roots and these are unaffected as evidenced by normal elbow flexion and thumb sensation (C6) and normal sensation over the middle finger (C7). Elbow extension is weak as it has roots from both C7 and C8 and so cannot be used alone to decide between the two levels clinically.
The C8 nerve contributes to the motor innervation of many of the muscles in the trunk and upper limb. Its primary function is the flexion of the fingers, and this is used as the clinical test for C8 integrity, in conjunction with the finger jerk reflex.Trunk:
– Pectoralis major – Medial and lateral pectoral nerves (C5, C6, C7, C8, T1)
– Pectoralis minor – Medial pectoral nerve (C5, C6, C7,C8, T1)
– Latissimus dorsi – Thoracodorsal nerve (C6, C7, C8)
Upper arm:
– Triceps brachii – Radial nerve (C6, C7,C8)
– Flexor carpi ulnaris – Ulnar nerve (C7, C8, T1)
– Palmaris longus – Median nerve (C7,C8)
– Flexor digitorum superficialis – Median nerve (C8, T1)
– Flexor digitorum profundus – Median and Ulnar nerves (C8, T1)
– Flexor pollicis longus – Median nerve (C7,C8)
– Pronator quadratus – Median nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor carpi radialis brevis – Deep branch of the radial nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor digitorum – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor digiti minimi – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor carpi ulnaris – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Anconeus – Radial nerve (C6, C7,C8)
– Abductor pollicis longus – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor pollicis brevis – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor pollicis longus – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Extensor indicis – Posterior interosseous nerve (C7,C8)
– Palmaris brevis – Superficial branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Dorsal interossei – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Palmar interossei – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Adductor pollicis – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Lumbricals – Deep branch of ulnar, Digital branches of median nerve
– Opponens pollicis – Recurrent branch of median nerve (C8, T1)
– Abductor pollicis brevis – Recurrent branch of median nerve (C8, T1)
– Flexor pollicis brevis – Recurrent branch of median nerve (C8, T1)
– Opponens digiti minimi – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Abductor digiti minimi – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1)
– Flexor digiti minimi brevis – Deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8, T1) -
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- Nervous System
Question 66
When considering the anatomical location of intracranial meningiomas, which of the following relations is well recognised?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Parasagittal - spastic paraparesis
Explanation:The localisation of intracranial lesions (based on both history and examination) is crucial. Meningiomas are slow in growth, and its subtle effects are very different from the more aggressive, intrinsic lesions. Olfactory groove lesions affect the sense of smell and may produce ipsilateral optic atrophy. Sphenoid ridge lesions will produce exophthalmos. Chiasmal lesions usually produce bitemporal hemianopia.
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- Nervous System
Question 67
A 41-year-old gentleman undergoes a temporal lobectomy after the discovery of a brain tumour. Which one of the following consequences would be least likely to develop?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Astereognosis
Explanation:Astereognosis is associated with lesions to the parietal lobe, not the temporal lobe, so this symptom would not arise in this patient.
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- Nervous System
Question 68
A 26-year-old graduate student with a history of migraines presents for examination. His headaches are now occurring about once a week. He describes unilateral, throbbing headaches that may last over 24 hours. Neurological examination is unremarkable. Other than a history of asthma, he is fit and well. What is the most suitable therapy to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Topiramate
Explanation:It should be noted that as a general rule 5-HT receptor agonists are used in the acute treatment of migraine whilst 5-HT receptor antagonists are used in prophylaxis. NICE produced guidelines in 2012 on the management of headache, including migraines. Prophylaxis should be given if patients are experiencing 2 or more attacks per month. Modern treatment is effective in about 60% of patients. NICE advises either topiramate or propranolol ‘according to the person’s preference, comorbidities and risk of adverse events’. Propranolol should be used in preference to topiramate in women of child bearing age as it may be teratogenic and it can reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives.
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- Nervous System
Question 69
A 71-year old gentleman presents with a subacute history of intermittent difficulty in walking, dry mouth, and variable slurring of speech. When the latter is severe he also has difficulty in swallowing. He has lost 3 kg in weight in the last 2 months.
On examination he has bilateral mild ptosis, dysarthria, and proximal weakness of the upper and lower limbs, and he is areflexic. The degree of weakness is variable. Nerve conduction studies confirm the clinical suspicion of a neuromuscular junction disorder.
Which of the following autoantibodies is likely to be the underlying cause of his neurological symptoms?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anti-voltage-gated, calcium-channel antibody
Explanation:The clinical picture points to Lambert- Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) which often presents with weakness of the arms and legs. In LEMS, antibodies against voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) decrease the amount of calcium that can enter the nerve ending, causing autonomic symptoms like dry mouth and slurring of speech, as seen in this patient.
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Question 70
A 38-year-old female patient is brought into the emergency department with a 5 day history of altered personality, and visual and auditory hallucinations. On palpation of the abdomen, a mass is felt in the left iliac fossa. Ultrasound of the abdomen suggests a left ovarian tumour. Her basic observations are as follows:
Oxygen saturation 99% on air
Heart rate 98 beats/minute
Respiratory rate 28 breaths/minute
Temperature 37.9 °C
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
Explanation:The case presents with an underlying ovarian tumour, associated with psychiatric symptoms; thus, an organic illness must first be ruled out before considering the other conditions listed which often present with psychiatric features without an underlying organic disease. Among the listed conditions Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is the only condition that presents with psychiatric features including agitation, hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking that is associated with tumours 50% of the time.
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- Nervous System
Question 71
A 41-year-old male experiences hand tremors that are absent at rest, but aggravated on extension and continuous with movement. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Benign essential tremor
Explanation:Tremors that linger on movement, seen on an outstretched hand, and absent on rest are called benign essential tremors.
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- Nervous System
Question 72
A young woman is complaining of a sensation of spinning and loss of balance every time she moves sideways on the bed while lying supine. What would you do next?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Head roll test
Explanation:The most probable diagnosis is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). It is a peripheral vestibular disorder characterized by short episodes of mild to intense dizziness and influenced by specific changes in head position. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo accounting for nearly one-half of patients with peripheral vestibular dysfunction. In order to establish the diagnosis, the head roll test is performed where the head is turned about 90° to each side while supine.
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Question 73
A 30-year-old patient has ataxia, nystagmus and vertigo with a history of headaches. Where is the most likely site of the lesion?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cerebellum
Explanation:Damage to the cerebellum can cause asynergia, dysmetria, adiadochokinesia, intention tremor, staggering, ataxic gait, tendency toward falling, hypotonia, ataxic dysarthria and nystagmus.
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Question 74
A 60-year-old lady has been admitted to the stroke ward following a sudden onset of dizziness and visual disturbances, which started yesterday morning. She initially thought she was just dehydrated, however, later realised she was unable to read her own shopping list. On the ward rounds, the consultant examines her and finds she is indeed unable to read. She is, however, able to write. When she writes a sentence it makes perfect sense, although she is again unable to read it out. She has no problems with her speech and is able to converse normally. She has no motor focal neurological deficit. The consultant asks you where the lesion is likely to be?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Corpus callosum
Explanation:The patient presents with sudden onset of alexia (the inability to read) WITHOUT agraphia (inability to write) which is consistent with lesions of the corpus callosum where there is a disconnect syndrome and the patient’s language and visual centres are actually in tact, but are unable to communicate between hemispheres. In this case, the damage due to the stroke is most likely in the left visual cortex, leaving visual processing to the intact right hemisphere which unfortunately cannot communicate the information to the language centres (Broca and Wernicke’s) in the left hemisphere, hence the alexia. Alternatively, the speech and writing are unaffected as the language centres can still communicate with the primary motor cortex.
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Question 75
A 37-year-old male fell whilst walking home and landed on his outstretched hand. He is now complaining of pain in his right arm. X-rays were conducted and indicate a fracture of the radial head. Choose the most commonly associated nerve injury from the list of options.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Radial nerve
Explanation:There will be a radial nerve injury due to finger drop with both sensation intact and a normal wrist.
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- Nervous System
Question 76
A 55-year-old male visited his diabetic clinic with a complaint of inability to walk properly due to weakness of his lower limbs. On examination, dorsiflexion was found to be weak bilaterally and there was diminished sensation on the dorsum of his feet as well as on the lower lateral portions of his legs. Which of the following could have led to this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Compression of the common peroneal nerve
Explanation:The branches of the common peroneal nerve innervate the skin of the dorsum of the foot as well as the muscles which help to carry out dorsiflexion of the foot. Compression of the common peroneal nerve cause foot drop as well as the loss in sensation of the skin on the dorsum of the foot.
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Question 77
A 46-year-old plumber develops chronic, severe pain after sustaining a brachial plexus injury as a result of a motorbike accident. He has had no benefit from paracetamol or ibuprofen. In addition, he has had an unsuccessful trial of amitriptyline. Following recent NICE guidelines, which of the following is the most appropriate medication to consider?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pregabalin
Explanation:Neuropathic pain may be defined as pain which arises following damage or disruption of the nervous system. It is often difficult to treat and responds poorly to standard analgesia.
The most recent update to the NICE guidelines for management of neuropathic pain occurred in 2013: first-line treatment* includes amitriptyline. If the first-line drug treatment does not work then move on to one of the other 3 drugs: duloxetine, gabapentin or pregabalin. Tramadol may be used as ‘rescue therapy’ for exacerbations of neuropathic pain. Topical capsaicin may be used for localised neuropathic pain (e.g. post-herpetic neuralgia). Pain management clinics may be useful in patients with resistant problems.*please note that for some specific conditions the guidance may vary. For example carbamazepine is used first-line for trigeminal neuralgia.
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Question 78
A 69 year-old librarian with motor neuron disease is seen in clinic. Which of the following interventions will have the greatest effect on survival?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Non-invasive ventilation
Explanation:Motor neuron disease is a neurological condition of unknown cause which can present with both upper and lower motor neuron signs. It rarely presents before age 40 and various patterns of disease are recognised, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy and bulbar palsy.
Non-invasive ventilation (usually BIPAP) is used at night, with studies having shown a survival benefit of around 7 months. Riluzole prevents stimulation of glutamate receptors, used mainly in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and has been shown to prolong life by about 3 months. -
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Question 79
A 68-year-old male presented with unbalances and vomiting for 1 week. Which of the following is the best investigations that can be performed to arrive at a diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: MRI of Cerebellum
Explanation:Lesions in cerebellum and pontine region should be excluded. So the most appropriate investigation is MRI of cerebellum.
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Question 80
A 55-year-old male, known hypertensive on antihypertensive medications, presented with complaints of dizziness and lethargy, especially when rising from the chair. The most appropriate test would be?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ambulatory blood pressure
Explanation:Ambulatory blood pressure recording is used to monitor BP for 24 hours whilst continuing the daily routine activities.
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Question 81
A 38-year-old musician presented with a two-day history of sudden-onset occipital headache associated with nausea and vomiting. The next day, his right hand became weak for a few hours. On the same day he had an episode of sensory disturbance in his right upper limb consisting of tingling in his hand that spread up the arm, to his shoulder lasting less than two minutes in total. On the day of admission he had a similar episode of sensory disturbance lasting 30 seconds in total. On examination he had bilateral papilledema, no neck stiffness and an otherwise normal neurological examination. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Venous sinus thrombosis
Explanation:Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is associated with headache (>90% of cases), seizures, focal weakness (40%) and papilledema (40%), all seen in this patient.
Risk factors for CVST include genetic or acquired prothrombotic disorders, pregnancy, the oral contraceptive pill, vasculitis, malignancy, dehydration and infection. However, there are multiple other associated factors.
Diagnosis is normally confirmed with magnetic resonance venography (MRV). Treatment is with anticoagulation, initially with heparin and subsequently with warfarin. -
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Question 82
A 53-year-old cashier with a history of chronic back pain presents for a check-up. He is aware of a dragging feeling affecting his left foot when he tries to walk. This has developed since a minor injury to his left knee. On examination, he has weakness of dorsiflexion and eversion of the left foot. The right is unaffected and plantar flexion and inversion are normal on the left. MRI of the spinal cord shows degenerative disc changes at multiple levels, but no evidence of cord or nerve root impingement. Nerve conduction studies and EMG results are pending. Which of the following sensory loss patterns would you expect to find in association with this motor defect?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sensory loss over the dorsum of the foot and anterolateral leg
Explanation:This patient presentation is unlikely to be an L5 nerve root lesion given the results of the MRI scan. Therefore, the most likely diagnosis is a mononeuritis affecting the left common peroneal nerve. This would lead to sensory loss over the dorsum of the foot and anterolateral leg on the left.
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Question 83
A 40 year-old lawyer suffered a road traffic accident. MRI reveals that he may have hemisection of the spinal cord. Which of the following findings is most likely to occur?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ipsilateral hyperreflexia
Explanation:Spinal cord hemisection, also known as Brown-Sequard syndrome, is associated with symptoms affecting one spinothalamic and one corticospinal tract. Symptoms include ipsilateral paralysis, loss of vibration and position sense, and hyperreflexia below the level of the lesion. Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation is also seen, usually beginning 2-3 segments below the level of the lesion.
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Question 84
A 51-year-old woman complains of sudden onset of severe headache and vomiting that is worse when she is lying flat. Fundoscopy confirms bilateral papilledema. Which is the definitive investigation in this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Computed tomography scan
Explanation:A head CT scan is the best step to rule out a mass lesion or bleed. Since the patient has symptoms that may suggest elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), a lumbar puncture should be consulted first with a neurologist since it is contraindicated in this case due to raised ICP and risk of coning.
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Question 85
Which one of the following is a contraindication to the use of a triptan in the management of migraine?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A history of ischaemic heart disease
Explanation:A history of ischaemic heart disease in a contraindication for prescribing triptans because they act by constricting cerebral and also coronary vessels, increasing the risk of stroke.
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Question 86
A 35-year-old male has presented with a wrist drop of his right hand. After a medical examination, an area of sensory loss on the dorsum is revealed. Choose the nerve most likely to be affected from the list of options.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Radial nerve
Explanation:The radial nerve supplies the following: brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, and the extensor muscles of the forearm (which is via the posterior interosseous nerve). The sensory branches supply the following: dorsum of the thumb, dorsum of the fingers up to the PIPJ (proximal interphalangeal joint), and the middle of the ring finger. The loss of muscle power depends on the extent of the nerve damage – the usual posture is a wrist drop, coupled with thumb adduction and hand pronation. Sensation in this male patient is impaired in this area. The thoracic nerve supplies the serratus anterior muscle, and thus, damage causes winging of the scapula. A median nerve palsy causes the following: the inability to abduct and oppose the thumb; weakness in the forearm, pronation and finger flexion; and sensory loss of the thumb. A T1 nerve root lesion causes Klimke’s palsy – this is a loss of finger flexion, abduction and adduction, and reduced sensation in the medial upper limb. The ulnar nerve is usually compromised at the elbow which causes numbness in the 5th finger, the medial aspect of the ring finger, and the dorsum of the hand (over the 5th finger). A clawed hand can develop (the little and ring fingers curl in towards the palm) if the weakness of the small muscles of the hand is allowed to progress.
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- Nervous System
Question 87
A 58-year-old psychologist with small cell lung cancer complains of muscle weakness. Each one of the following are features of Lambert-Eaton syndrome, except:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Repeated muscle contractions lead to decreased muscle strength
Explanation:In myasthenia gravis, repeated muscle contractions lead to reduced muscle strength. The opposite is however classically seen in the related disorder Lambert-Eaton syndrome. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is seen in association with small cell lung cancer, and to a lesser extent breast and ovarian cancer. It may also occur independently as an autoimmune disorder. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome is caused by an antibody directed against pre-synaptic voltage gated calcium channel in the peripheral nervous system.
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- Nervous System
Question 88
A 25-year-old athlete presented with a 7-month history of difficulty gripping things. He complained of finding it particularly difficult in cold weather. He remembered his father having similar problems. Upon examination, he had a bilateral ptosis with weakness of the facial muscles. He also had difficulty opening his eyes quickly. Limb examination revealed distal weakness in both hands with difficulty opening and closing both hands quickly. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Myotonic dystrophy
Explanation:Myotonic dystrophy is the most likely diagnosis here.
It is a multisystem disorder causing cognitive impairment, cataracts, cardiac problems and testicular atrophy, as well as affecting the muscles. Patients have muscle weakness, normally worse distally, and/or myotonia (which is worse in cold weather).
On examination, patients may also have frontal balding, a myopathic facies, bilateral ptosis, an ophthalmoplegia and wasting of facial muscles and other limb muscles. Myotonic dystrophy is associated with diabetes mellitus and pituitary dysfunction.
Diagnosis is normally based on clinical features with a characteristic electromyogram (EMG) of myotonic discharges. Creatine kinase is generally normal and muscle biopsy is non-specific. -
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- Nervous System
Question 89
A 74-year-old man presents with a history of falls and enuresis. Recently his behaviour has been bizarre but the falling has persisted for the last 12 months. Upon examination he's found to be disorientated for time and place. His gait is clumsy and broad-based. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Explanation:The patient has a history of:
1 – Balance and gait disturbance – falls and broad based clumsy gait
2 – Dementia – strange behaviour and disorientation to time and place
3 – Urinary incontinence – episodes of enuresis.
All of the symptoms constitute the classic triad of normal pressure hydrocephalus. -
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- Nervous System
Question 90
A 77-year-old mail carrier presents to the emergency department with severe flinging movements of his right arm. Where would the causative lesion be located?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Right subthalamic nucleus
Explanation:Hemiballismus is a movement disorder which manifests as unilateral involuntary flinging movements of the proximal upper limbs. The lesion is located in the ipsilateral subthalamic nucleus.
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Question 91
A 23-year-old designer is requesting the combined oral contraceptive pill. During the history taking, she states that in the past she has had migraines with aura. She asks why the combined oral contraceptive pill is contraindicated. Which of the following is the most appropriate response?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Significantly increased risk of ischaemic stroke
Explanation:SIGN produced guidelines in 2008 on the management of migraines. Key points include that if patients have migraines with aura then the combined oral contraceptive (COC) is absolutely contraindicated due to an increased risk of stroke (relative risk 8.72).
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- Nervous System
Question 92
A 17-year-old girl presented with fever, headache and photophobia. Cerebrospinal fluid examination reveals:
Opening pressure 260 mm H20 (50-180)
Total protein 0.8 g/l (0.15-0.45)
Glucose 4.2 mmol/l (3.3-4.4)
White cell count 60 per ml (<5)
Lymphocytes 90%
Plasma glucose 6.4 mmol/l (3.0-6.0)
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Viral meningitis
Explanation:Normal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glucose together with lymphocytosis, an increased opening pressure and raised CSF protein are typical of a viral meningitis.
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- Nervous System
Question 93
A 71 year-old dentist is seen in clinic with a history of worsening memory problems and confusion. His wife had noted that his sleep was becoming more disturbed and he complains of vivid nightmares and visual hallucinations. Over the past few weeks, he has had increasing difficulty in dressing himself, and his mobility has deteriorated. On examination, he is bradykinesia with a resting tremor and rigidity affecting his arms and legs. His Mini-Mental-State Examination (MMSE) is 18/30. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lewy body disease
Explanation:Lewy body dementia is the second most common cause of dementia in the elderly after Alzheimer’s disease. The core feature is a progressive dementia, but other characteristic features include Parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, fluctuating cognitive abilities and executive function, and an increased risk of falls or autonomic failure.
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- Nervous System
Question 94
Three days after being admitted for a myocardial infarction, a male patient complains of sudden change in vision. The medical registrar examines the patient and finds that the patient's vision in both eyes is significantly reduced although the patient still claims that he can see. The pupils are equal in size, and the pupil responses are normal with normal fundoscopy. Significantly, the patient has now developed atrial fibrillation.
A referral is made to the ophthalmologist who confirms bilateral blindness. Despite this, however, the patient fervently believes that he can see and has taken to describing objects that he has never seen previously, in discriminating detail.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bilateral occipital cortex infarction
Explanation:Bilateral occipital cortex infarction will produce varying degrees of cortical blindness, wherein the patient has no vision but fundoscopy findings are normal. When there are extensive lesions, patients my present with denial of their condition, known as Anton’s Syndrome, and begin to describe objects that they have never seen before.
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- Nervous System
Question 95
A 72-year-old woman presents with 18 month history of gait ataxia, dysarthria, and dysphagia.
On examination there is down beating nystagmus and slurred speech. There is past pointing in both upper limbs and a wide-based ataxic gait. Reflexes and sensation are normal. There is no wasting or fasciculations. Plantar response is flexor bilaterally.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Arnold-Chiari malformation
Explanation:Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) suggests a lesion in the lower part of the medulla. Arnold-Chiari malformation usually presents with symptoms due to brainstem and lower cranial nerve dysfunction such as DBN.
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- Nervous System
Question 96
A 29 year-old new mother presented with a headache that was first noticed as she was picking up her 5 week-old baby. On admission, she was unable to tolerate the lights and complained of feeling sick. Fundoscopy showed bilateral papilledema, and she was complaining that she was unable to see on her left side. CT head showed a small right occipital bleed. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Heparin
Explanation:This patient has developed a venous sinus thrombosis peri-partum, resulting in her symptoms. Anticoagulation therapy including Heparin improves outcomes.
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- Nervous System
Question 97
A 35-year-old woman was on a camping holiday in Spain. She awoke at three o'clock one morning with severe neck pain radiating down into her left shoulder and down to her forearm. The next day it spread to the dorsal aspect of the forearm. She was otherwise well. Her symptoms resolved after 24 hours. She noticed that after a week she was unable to wind down the car window with her left arm.
On examination of the left arm there was wasting of brachioradialis, shoulder, biceps and winging of left scapula.
What is the diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Amyotrophic neuralgia
Explanation:This patient present with the classical symptoms of Amyotrophic neuralgia, characterised by sudden onset of pain in the shoulders that radiate down to the forearms and later resolve spontaneously but is followed by muscle wasting.
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- Nervous System
Question 98
A 32 year-old man presents with his first generalized tonic-clonic seizure (GTCS). He has been complaining of headaches for the past 2 weeks, although he has been able to continue working at his job. Upon examination, he has mild left hemiparesis and bilateral extensor plantar responses. General examination is otherwise unremarkable. An urgent CT scan of the brain shows a 5cm multicentric mass lesion in the right frontal lobe with surrounding vasogenic oedema and some hemisphere shift. Which of the following is the most likely underlying pathology?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Glioblastoma
Explanation:Glioblastoma multiforme, also considered as grade IV astrocytoma, is the most malignant form of the tumour and accounts for about 20% of all cerebral tumours. These often remain clinically silent until they have reached a large enough size. In adults, glioblastoma multiforme usually occurs in the cerebral hemispheres, especially the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. About half occupy more than one hemisphere at presentation, and some are multicentric. Biopsy shows high cellularity with mitoses, pleomorphism, and vascular hyperplasia. Prognosis is extremely poor, with only 20% surviving beyond 1 year and 10% beyond 2 years.
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- Nervous System
Question 99
A 20-year-old gentleman presents with drop foot following a sports injury.
On examination there is weakness of ankle dorsiflexion and eversion, and weakness of extension of the big toe. He has some sensory loss restricted to the dorsum of his foot surrounding the base of his big toe. Other examination is within normal limits.
Where is the most likely site of the lesion?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Common peroneal nerve at the head of the fibula
Explanation:Peroneal nerve injury is also known as foot drop. The common peroneal nerve supplies the ankle and toe extensor muscle groups as well as sensation over the dorsum of the foot; thus, there is also loss of sensation in these cases.
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- Nervous System
Question 100
An alcoholic man was found in a critical condition outside the pub. He was sweating heavily, was drowsy and there were some empty cans of cider lying near him. What is the most appropriate initial test that should be done in such patients?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Capillary blood sugar
Explanation:The most appropriate initial test should be checking the blood sugar level. Patients with hypoglycaemia can present with drowsiness, profuse sweating and dizziness.
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- Nervous System
Question 101
A 39 year-old engineer presents with progressive weakness of his hands. Upon examination, you notice wasting of the small muscles of the hand. A diagnosis of syringomyelia is suspected. Which one of the following features would most support this diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Loss of temperature sensation in the hands
Explanation:Syringomyelia is a development of a cavity (syrinx) within the spinal cord. Signs and symptoms include loss of feeling, paralysis, weakness, and stiffness in the back, shoulders, and extremities. Syringomyelia may also cause a loss of the ability to feel extremes of hot or cold, especially in the hands. Symptoms typically vary depending on the extent and, often more critically, on the location of the syrinx within the spinal cord.
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Question 102
A 52-year-old chef presents to the ED with acute visual changes. He has a past medical history of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. On neurological examination, his upper and lower limbs are normal however he has a homonymous hemianopia with central preservation. Where is the most likely cause of his problems within the central nervous system?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Optic radiation
Explanation:Lesions in the optic radiation can cause a homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing, as a result of collateral circulation offered to macular tracts by the middle cerebral artery.
Lesions in the optic tract also cause a homonymous hemianopia, but without macular sparing.
Lesions in the optic chiasm, optic nerve, and temporal lobe cause bitemporal hemianopia, ipsilateral complete blindness, and superior homonymous quadrantanopia respectively. -
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- Nervous System
Question 103
A 65-year-old female with a history of memory loss, presents with progressive decline of her cognitive functions. She had a MI 6 years ago. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vascular dementia
Explanation:The patient has a history of MI and thus ischemic heart disease. This together with her age and progressive decline in cognitive functions and memory suggest vascular dementia.
Pick’s dementia presents with personality and behavioural changes.
Lewy body dementia is associated with frequent syncopal episodes, while Huntington’s disease presents with gait abnormalities.
Alzheimer’s dementia usually starts before the age of 65 and an ischemic heart disease history is not necessary. -
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- Nervous System
Question 104
A 73-year-old post-menopausal woman with an ESR of 72mm/hr, complains of pain on chewing and unilateral headache. Which additional treatment would you choose if she is already on oral steroids?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bisphosphonates
Explanation:The symptoms in concordance with the elevated ESR and the age of the patient should make you think of temporal arteritis. Temporal arteritis is treated with steroids which predispose the patient to develop osteopenia and finally osteoporosis. Its very important to take into account the sex and the age of the patient because osteoporosis is common in post-menopausal women. Bisphosphonates are protective towards osteoporosis and they should be administered next.
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Question 105
A 55-year-old female school teacher complains of double vision when she writes on the school blackboard. She has no history of trauma. Her most recent visit to her GP was to seek attention for a rash which developed after she was bitten when walking through the forest on a school trip. Choose the cranial nerve most likely to be affected here.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Abducens
Explanation:This nerve is responsible for the side to side movement of the eye, hence why damage can cause double vision.
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Question 106
A 22-year-old male presented with a cut injury at his wrist. Which of the following would be the expected clinical signs if his ulnar nerve was damaged?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Wasting of the interossei
Explanation:Damage to the ulnar nerve at wrist will cause wasting of the interossei and adductor pollicis muscle. There won’t be any sensory loss, weakness of wrist flexion or wasting of hypothenar muscles.
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Question 107
A 21 year-old software developer undergoes a planned lumbar puncture (LP) as part of a neurological investigation for possible multiple sclerosis. During the consent process, she expresses concern about a post-LP headache. What is the mechanism of post-LP headaches?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Leaking cerebrospinal fluid from the dura
Explanation:Leaking of cerebrospinal fluid from the dura is the most likely explanation for post-lumbar puncture headaches. It is thought that ongoing leak of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the puncture site causes ongoing CSF loss, leading to low pressure. A post-LP headache is typically frontal or occipital and occurs within three days. It is normally associated with worsening on standing and improvement when lying down. Treatment in severe cases includes an epidural blood patch, but most resolve on their own.
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Question 108
A 20-year-old football player has fallen and hit his head on the ground. He did not lose consciousness but has a left side subconjunctival haemorrhage, swelling, and tenderness over his left cheek. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial investigation?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Facial XR
Explanation:History and examination findings are suggestive of facial injury and intracranial haemorrhage is unlikely. To exclude any facial fracture, an X-ray is suggested.
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- Nervous System
Question 109
A 24-year-old gentleman presents with visual loss in his right eye, and this is diagnosed as optic neuritis.
Which one of the following statements would be seen in an afferent pupillary defect?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Accommodation response is unaffected
Explanation:Afferent pupillary defect is simply a delayed pupillary response to light. Accommodation is otherwise unaffected.
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- Nervous System
Question 110
A 22-year-old male has had complex tics since childhood. He repeatedly bends his knees and rubs his nose. He is prone to loud vocalisations, sometimes including swear-words. A diagnosis of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome has been made. Which of the following is the best treatment option?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Risperidone
Explanation:Gilles de la Tourette syndrome is the most severe and rare of the tic syndromes, consisting of multiple tics involving both motor actions and vocalisation. Onset is usually in childhood. Symptoms include utterance of obscenities (coprolalia); echolalia (repetition of another person’s spoken words) and palilalia (involuntary repetition of words, phrases, or sentences).
The underlying cause is unknown, with no particular imaging or standard histopathological abnormalities having been identified. The EEG shows non-specific abnormalities in about half of patients. However, more recent immunocytochemical studies have suggested altered dopamine uptake in the striatal system.
Risperidone is an effective therapeutic option without the effects associated with chlorpromazine and haloperidol. -
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- Nervous System
Question 111
A patient presented with complaints of difficulty in swallowing, diplopia on left lateral gaze and ptosis of his left eye. The investigation of choice would be?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Serum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Explanation:Myasthenia gravis clinically manifests with ptosis, diplopia and difficulty in swallowing. The initial investigation which is needed to confirm the diagnosis would be serum anti-acetylene receptor antibodies, after which other investigations like an EMG should be done.
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- Nervous System
Question 112
A 26-year-old technician with no past medical history presents to the neurology clinic complaining of muscle pain. He describes severe bilateral cramping calf pain on minimal exercise. This has been present since his late teens and as such he has avoided exercise. Recently, he has attended the local gym to try and lose weight, but attempts at exercise have been dampened by the pain. He does note that if he perseveres with exercise, the pain settles. He has noticed passing dark urine in the evenings following a prolonged bout of exercise. Which of the following clinical tests would be most useful in aiding the diagnosis in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Muscle biopsy
Explanation:The differential diagnosis of bilateral exercise-induced pain would include metabolic muscle disease, lumbar canal stenosis and intermittent claudication. The patient’s age, history and lack of other risk factors make the latter two options unlikely.
The syndrome described is in fact McArdle’s disease (myophosphorylase deficiency). This is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. Clinical features of pain and fatigue are precipitated in early exercise, as carbohydrates cannot be mobilized to provide an energy substrate to the muscle. With prolonged exercise, fatty acid metabolism provides energy, and symptoms lessen. The dark urine described is likely to represent myoglobinuria following rhabdomyolysis. Definitive diagnosis of most metabolic muscle diseases relies on muscle biopsy and enzyme analysis.
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Question 113
A 65-year-old female presented with episodes of unilateral blindness, which spontaneously resolved. Her cardiovascular examination was normal. What is the single most appropriate investigation that can be performed to arrive at a diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Carotid duplex ultrasonography
Explanation:Amaurosis fugax (transient ipsilateral visual loss) and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are presentations of atherosclerotic disease of the carotid artery which can be identified by carotid duplex ultrasonography (US), with or without colour, which is the screening test of choice to evaluate for carotid stenosis.
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Question 114
A 10-year-old gentleman is referred with a six month history of daily headache, which is mostly frontal in location and occasionally associated with nausea.
He has been taking paracetamol 3 g daily, aspirin 300 mg thrice daily, and codeine 40 mg thrice daily, all of which have had only a temporary effect. He has a two year history of depression treated with paroxetine. No abnormalities were found on examination.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Analgesic misuse headache
Explanation:Because of the patient’s history of chronic analgesic use of daily paracetamol intake, the most likely diagnosis of this case is Analgesic misuse headache. In these cases, the headache is only temporarily relieved by analgesics. Treatment involves gradual withdrawal of analgesics.
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Question 115
A 6-year-old boy is referred by his GP to the neurology clinic with abnormal movements. His mother noticed that for the last year, the boy has been falling over more and more frequently. He has also been having increasingly slurred speech. These have been getting progressively worse. He has had recurrent chest infections in his childhood.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ataxic telangiectasia
Explanation:Ataxic telangiectasia is an inherited combined immunodeficiency disorder that is characterised by cerebellar ataxia and telangiectasia as seen in this child, as well as frequent infections as noted in this child’s history. The other differentials would not present with this clinical picture:
Friedreich’s ataxia and Infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia do not present with immune problems, whereas Cerebral palsy and Di-George Syndrome do not present with ataxia.
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Question 116
Which of the following features is not associated with an oculomotor nerve palsy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Miosis
Explanation:Oculomotor nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. A complete oculomotor nerve palsy will result in a characteristic down and out position in the affected eye. This is because the lateral rectus (innervated by the sixth cranial nerve) and superior oblique (innervated by the fourth cranial or trochlear nerve), is unantagonized by the paralyzed superior rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique. The affected individual will also have a ptosis, or drooping of the eyelid, and mydriasis (pupil dilation), not miosis.
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Question 117
A 60-year-old male with a history of diabetes and hypertension presented with left sided arm and leg weakness and loss of vision in the left eye for a brief period. His symptoms improved within a few hours. Which of the following is the most appropriate investigation that can be done at this stage?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Doppler USG
Explanation:Amaurosis fugax (transient ipsilateral visual loss) and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are presentations of atherosclerotic disease of the carotid artery which can be identified by carotid duplex ultrasonography (US), with or without colour. This is the screening test of choice to evaluate for carotid stenosis.
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- Nervous System
Question 118
A 48-year-old hairdresser presents to the GP with loss of sensation over the lateral three and a half fingers of her right hand, tenderness over her right forearm, and inability to make a tight fist. She complains of pain in her right arm when twisting door handles anticlockwise. Phalen's and Tinel's tests are negative. She is otherwise neurologically intact. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pronator teres syndrome
Explanation:Entrapment of the median nerve by pronator teres causes a median nerve neuropathy, which is worse during pronation of the forearm. Examination should involve excluding carpal tunnel syndrome and pronation of the affected forearm against resistance, which brings on the pain. Unlike carpal tunnel syndrome, the median nerve proximal to the wrist may be tender to palpation.
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- Nervous System
Question 119
Which of the following may cause a downbeat nystagmus?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Chiari type I malformation
Explanation:Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) suggests a lesion in the lower part of the medulla. Chiari Type I malformation usually presents with symptoms due to brain stem and lower cranial nerve dysfunction, which includes DBN.
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Question 120
A 7-year-old boy was brought to the ED in an unconscious and apnoeic state. What is your immediate management of this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Secure airway
Explanation:ABC : Airway, breathing, circulation is the order of assessment in any patient that is unconscious and apnoeic.
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- Nervous System
Question 121
A 75-year-old woman experienced right sided weakness shortly after she woke up. However, the weakness resolved in 30 minutes and left no disability. Her CT and ECG appear normal. What extra actions should be taken if she is already on Aspirin, Simvastatin, Amlodipine and Bendroflumethiazide?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Start Aspirin 300 mg for 2 weeks
Explanation:The patient has most probably experienced a transient ischemic attack which should be initially managed with aspirin 300 mg for two weeks.
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- Nervous System
Question 122
A 67 year-old attorney presents with a 2 month history of tremors affecting his left arm. He suffers from depressive psychosis for the last 10 years, for which he has been receiving intermittent chlorpromazine and amitriptyline but has not been on any therapy for the last 4 months. He describes that his two brothers also had tremors. Upon examination, he has a resting tremor of his left hand with cogwheel rigidity of that arm and mild generalized bradykinesia. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Idiopathic Parkinson's disease
Explanation:The most likely diagnosis is idiopathic Parkinson’s disease because of the unilateral presentation. In addition, cogwheel rigidity is a classic presenting symptom. Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism is usually bilateral and symmetrical. Essential tremors do not cause rest tremors.
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Question 123
A 32-year-old female has had an episode of a severe occipital headache. This is accompanied by vomiting and unconsciousness. She has been taken to the emergency department, where she is conscious and completely alert. Her pulse is normal and no abnormal neurological signs are found. From the list of options, choose the next step in her treatment.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: CT brain
Explanation:Severe headaches and LOC can be caused by basilar migraines (but here the patient has no neurological deficit and becomes completely alert when recovering from unconscious periods). In order to diagnose basilar migraines, there needs to be a history of at least two other migraine attacks with an aura. The diagnostic criteria of a basilar migraine are not fulfilled and so the patient must not be discharged without a CT scan (or MRI).
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- Nervous System
Question 124
A 33-year-old artist who recently arrived in the UK from New York presents in ED. He has a past history of insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus. He describes a few days of fever, headache and myalgia. Admission was prompted by worsening headache and back pain. While waiting in the medical receiving unit, he becomes progressively drowsier. Examination revealed flaccid paralysis and depressed tendon reflexes. He was reviewed by the intensive care team and arrangements were made for ventilation. A computerised tomography (CT) brain is performed that is normal.
Cerebrospinal fluid examination reveals:
Protein 0.9 g/l (<0.45 g/l)
Glucose 4 mmol/l
White cell count (WCC) 28/mm3 (mostly lymphocytes)
Blood testing reveals:
Haemoglobin (Hb) 14 g/dl (13-18)
Platelets 620 x 109/l (150-400 x 109)
WCC 12 x 109/l (4-11 x 109)
Sodium 135 mmol/l (137-144)
Potassium 4.6 mmol/l (3.5-4.9)
Urea 8 mmol/l (2.5-7.5)
Creatinine 120 mmol/l (60-110)
Glucose 6 mmol/l
Which of the following is the most likely infective process?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: West Nile disease
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